
Eat­rena­lin The restau­rant of the future How do you crea­te mul­ti-sen­so­ry worlds that com­bi­ne enter­tain­ment and culina­ry delights at the hig­hest level? Eat­rena­lin is not­hing less than the most exci­ting cate­ring expe­ri­ence in the world. A spe­cial pie­ce of theat­re in which the inter­play of all the sen­ses plays a key role. In order to stage this mul­ti-sen­so­ry expe­ri­ence down to the smal­lest detail, an exten­si­ve script was […]

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Bette Places

Bet­te Places Inspi­ra­tio­nal worlds Gent­le as a fea­ther – powerful as a rock. Water has always been a pri­mal force. An ele­ment that pro­vi­des both strength and rege­ne­ra­ti­on. Bet­te con­nects peo­p­le and water. With archi­tec­tu­ral bathing ele­ments that inspi­re and acti­va­te; that crea­te soot­hing ritu­als of expe­ri­ence through a flowing design lan­guage with the hig­hest level of pre­cis­i­on craft­sman­ship. A pro­mi­se that we ful­fil with

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Eatrenalin Suites

Eat­rena­lin sui­tes Fairy­ta­le (t)space expe­ri­en­ces A visit to Eatre­an­lin, the restau­rant of the future, not only crea­tes a thirst for know­ledge and adven­ture, but often also a litt­le tra­vel fati­gue. If you want to reco­ver from the sen­so­ry impres­si­ons of the day in rela­xed sur­roun­dings – wit­hout having to do wit­hout an ori­gi­nal ambi­ence – four dif­fe­rent sui­tes await you, atta­ched to the restau­rant. We have the

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Andermatt Pazola

Ander­matt Pazo­la Moun­tain palaz­zo with con­tem­po­ra­ry com­fort A palaz­zo-like resi­dence with an ele­gant, con­tem­po­ra­ry ambi­ence. Nest­led bet­ween the snow-cap­ped peaks of Ander­matt, Pazo­la is curr­ent­ly under con­s­truc­tion. An ensem­ble of 19 luxu­rious flats and pent­hou­ses bet­ween 80 and 140 squa­re met­res, com­bi­ning ele­ments of Ita­li­an urban archi­tec­tu­re and typi­cal Swiss design. We have sel­ec­ted some of the most important

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Andermatt Mira

Ander­matt Mira Alpi­ne living with style Inspi­red by the magic of the moun­ta­ins, a spe­cial living expe­ri­ence is being crea­ted in the idyl­lic Alpi­ne vil­la­ge of Ander­matt in the cent­re of Switz­er­land: Mira. Based on a hexa­go­nal flo­or plan, 18 flats mer­ge into a sty­lish place of alpi­ne living. The archi­tec­tu­re com­bi­nes typi­cal Swiss ele­ments with clas­sic Ita­li­an ones, crea­ting an unri­val­led atmosphere.

Ander­matt Mira Read More »