
Pro­me­ga Pro­gress through iden­ti­ty Pro­me­ga is a glo­bal com­pa­ny that pro­vi­des inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­ons and tech­ni­cal sup­port for the life sci­ence rese­arch indus­try. Dri­ven by curio­si­ty and inspi­red by rese­arch, Pro­me­ga has been sup­port­ing sci­en­tists world­wi­de for almost half a cen­tu­ry. An exci­ting and pio­nee­ring indus­try. The signage sys­tem on the new com­pa­ny pre­mi­ses and in […]

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BZM Signi­fi­cant signs Archi­tec­tu­re & neighbourhood/area plan­ning­C­GI & moti­on design­Con­tent & text­Corpo­ra­te design & sign­ageInte­ri­or design and sceno­gra­phyTra­de fair & event design­Pro­duct design & pack­a­ging­Re­tail & brand spaces­Stra­tegy & con­sul­ting­Web design & AR What do tea­chers, pupils and signage have in com­mon? They are often the unob­tru­si­ve heroes of ever­y­day life in their very own way! From sign­posts and signs to

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