The world is chan­ging and Roto Frank AG with it. What does the sales depart­ment, who­se stron­gest sales tool has so far been the trade fair, need in order to con­ti­nue to com­mu­ni­ca­te effi­ci­ent­ly with the cus­to­mer? That was the ques­ti­on with which we star­ted a work­shop with Roto. The ans­wer is a well thought-out sales tool that not only func­tions inde­pendent­ly of time and place, is con­vin­cing and appeals equal­ly to dif­fe­rent tar­get groups – but also emo­tio­nal­ly char­ges the pro­ducts. We trans­la­ted the user expe­ri­ence of the trade fair online and took it to a new level: Wel­co­me to Roto City.

Sel­ec­ted exhi­bits that had pre­vious­ly found their place at the fair were inte­gra­ted into an exci­ting nar­ra­ti­ve sto­ry. Whe­ther inves­tor, archi­tect, win­dow buil­der or tech­ni­cal­ly expe­ri­en­ced con­su­mer – within the diver­se levels and are­as of appli­ca­ti­on, the most varied tar­get groups can be varia­bly addres­sed. From the lar­ge to the small, from the visi­on to the tech­ni­cal dra­wing. If topics such as USP, tight­ness or safe­ty of the pro­ducts are dealt with on the upper level, the sto­ry line moves down to the com­po­nent level.

A well thought-out sto­ry that can be rewrit­ten at any time, at any point, tail­o­red to the cli­ent. What will make up the city of the future? This and many other ques­ti­ons will be explo­red in the future in the Roto Cosmos.

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