atelier 522


The desi­re for inno­va­ti­on sweeps us into the vast sea of ide­as – the­re we surf online, off­line and in bet­ween. To attract atten­ti­on and make waves, we crea­te col­la­ges of emo­ti­on and infor­ma­ti­on – always with the goal of making a brand suc­cessful. And becau­se the jour­ney is the desti­na­ti­on, it can be enjoya­ble. A litt­le boat trip is cer­tain­ly part of it. Fresh wind around the ears, cool water and warm­ing rays of suns­hi­ne sti­mu­la­te the sen­ses, shar­pen per­cep­ti­on and pro­mo­te idea gene­ra­ti­on. Take a seat on our spe­ci­al­ly built Wil­hel­mi­ne 522 and round off our joint coope­ra­ti­on. We are hap­py to imple­ment such small but fine plan­ning for your heart’s pro­ject as well.

Open space for ideas

Being tog­e­ther wit­hout dis­trac­tions. But with the pure joy of play­ing mind games tog­e­ther. A ride on and with the Wil­hel­mi­ne 522 opens up com­ple­te­ly new spa­ti­al and ima­gi­na­ry dimen­si­ons. What can be sum­med up in words such as mar­ke­ting, bran­ding or exten­ded cor­po­ra­te iden­ti­ty can also be descri­bed as a sur­re­al report, real fairy tale or authen­tic spin­ning. Our goal is to form tan­gi­ble images and sto­ries out of it. And so we are only too hap­py to set anchor for joint work­shops on the lake to think, fan­ta­sise and deve­lop undisturbed. 

Moving change

Just give it a try and chan­ge the per­spec­ti­ve. This is how we design out of fasci­na­ti­on. Con­cepts, pro­ducts, rooms – and also our Wil­hel­mi­ne 522. In one thousand hours of work, we have crea­ted a floa­ting oasis of crea­ti­vi­ty and inspi­ra­ti­on with team­work. Tech­ni­cal ele­ments were inte­gra­ted into the design in such a way that you only beco­me awa­re of them when you take a clo­ser look.

For exam­p­le, recli­ning are­as can be intui­tively con­ver­ted into sea­ting in a mat­ter of seconds, or all sorts of odds and ends can be sto­wed in pockets that you only noti­ce as func­tion­al sto­rage space at second glan­ce. And becau­se we like to host young and old, our Wil­hel­mi­ne 522 has a height-adjus­ta­ble hydrau­lic roof. This makes it pos­si­ble to be won­derful­ly crea­ti­ve even in rough weather.

Attention to detail

Hap­pi­ness is when you have an occu­pa­ti­on that you love. Buil­ding a boat, for exam­p­le. With natu­ral mate­ri­als such as wood, brass, lea­ther, hemp ropes and natu­ral-colou­red fabrics. They form the basis for the Wil­hel­mi­ne 522. Authen­tic pro­duct design that blends natu­ral­ly into its sur­roun­dings wit­hout being obtru­si­ve. Func­tion­al and tim­e­l­ess­ly beau­tiful at the same time. With a lot of atten­ti­on to detail, which is also visi­bly shown on the out­side in gra­phic ele­ments such as the logo and lettering.

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