
The new heart­beat of the con­s­truc­tion industry

200,000,000 ton­nes of alu­mi­ni­um are in buil­dings world­wi­de. Rea­dy for a respon­si­ble resour­ce cycle. Old mate­ri­al is mel­ted down, new alu­mi­ni­um solu­ti­ons are crea­ted. Cle­ar­ly, the city of the future is recy­cled – thought Wico­na Ger­ma­ny. But it will only work if buil­ding owners, archi­tects and metal workers under­stand this and choo­se the appro­pria­te mate­ri­al: Hydro CIRCAL. A new web­site and a sus­taina­bi­li­ty cam­paign were to pro­vi­de the impe­tus for this.

Wicona World Wide

To ensu­re this fee­ling is sus­tainable, we revi­sed the company’s exis­ting cor­po­ra­te design and crea­ted a new web­site. Based on our tar­get group ana­ly­sis, we deve­lo­ped both the wire­frame and a func­tion­al UX+UI design that was rol­led out on all pages and sub-pages. The result is an intel­li­gent navi­ga­ti­on con­cept that enables a tar­get group-spe­ci­fic ent­ry into the world of Wico­na and allows a pre­cise dif­fe­ren­tia­ti­on of the con­tent for archi­tects, plan­ners and inves­tors. We accom­pa­nied the tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­ti­on of our pro­to­ty­pe in an advi­so­ry capa­ci­ty by deve­lo­ping a sui­ta­ble pro­gramm­er style guide.


That’s how you start a revolution!

We the­r­e­fo­re encou­ra­ged Wico­na to put the facts on the table and invi­ted them to a joint revo­lu­ti­on. Thus, befo­re, during and after BAU in Munich 2019, the com­pa­ny used strikin­gly fac­tu­al com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, via web, social media and ani­ma­ti­ons, print and lar­ge-for­mat screens, to encou­ra­ge a heart­felt decis­i­on: Join a revo­lu­ti­on! And dis­co­ver the heart­beat of the future. Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on that tou­ch­es the tar­get group all along the line.

Campaigns for and with a future

Cer­ti­fied alu­mi­ni­um sys­tem solu­ti­ons with at least 75 per­cent recy­cled end-of-life alu­mi­ni­um. Wico­na is cer­tain: The city of the future is buil­ding with rene­wa­ble resour­ces. You just have to dare to do it. We have com­pi­led the company’s visi­ons in seve­ral films that, just like Wicona’s pro­ducts, com­bi­ne tech­ni­cal sophisti­ca­ti­on and aes­the­tics. A hop­eful light that we are cas­ting on our future.

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