
Comfort zone

You can talk a lot about worlds of expe­ri­ence. At some point they have to be built. When one of the most important manu­fac­tu­r­ers of fur­nis­hing sys­tems con­fronts us with the task, it igni­tes the inven­ti­ve spi­rit in us, wit­hout a long speech. The goal was to deve­lop a shel­ving sys­tem that sets new stan­dards for office envi­ron­ments: a modu­lar con­s­truc­tion prin­ci­ple with con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on for open-plan offices and co-working spaces.

Strategic millimetre work

Omni­po­tence does not come about on its own. That’s why we bring tog­e­ther stra­te­gic minds, the detail­ed thin­king of our pro­duct desi­gners and the con­tex­tu­al skills of our inte­ri­or desi­gners. The dif­fe­rent per­spec­ti­ves of the indi­vi­du­al minds help to tar­get the tar­get indus­tries and trans­la­te their requi­re­ments into the sys­tem. Only the result deser­ves the name “Omnio P/L”.


Office & Working Worlds

Whe­ther co-working space, open-plan office or stu­dio: even see­mingly incon­spi­cuous walls can be used indi­vi­du­al­ly and crea­tively with Omnio P/L. The uprights and shelf frames can be used to defi­ne cus­to­mi­sable modu­les that meet indi­vi­du­al needs and can be chan­ged at short noti­ce. If, on the other hand, you pre­fer some­thing more obvious, you have a who­le ran­ge of space-crea­ting opti­ons thanks to the simp­le con­s­truc­tion and res­trai­ned design varia­ti­on. For fur­ni­tu­re with a sto­rage func­tion or intel­li­gent workspaces that allow a struc­tu­red way of working, for exam­p­le. Hook-in white­boards, side, back and pin boards round off the orga­ni­sa­ti­on of the work­place in a har­mo­nious design. Omnio P/L offers a playful maxi­mum of space freedom.

Thanks to its dif­fe­rent mate­ri­als, the sys­tem can also be easi­ly clo­sed with back and side panels. For fur­ni­tu­re with a sto­rage func­tion or intel­li­gent workspaces that allow a struc­tu­red way of working. Hook-in white­boards and pin boards round off the orga­ni­sa­ti­on of the work­place in a har­mo­nious design. Omnio P/L offers maxi­mum free­dom of space.


Full-blown microarchitecture

Omnio P/L builds fle­xi­ble spaces and crea­tes struc­tu­re in no time. Count­less con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons and exten­si­ons such as the Mul­ti-Lane sup­port rails help. It can shape an open room cli­ma­te or crea­te peace and pri­va­cy through clo­sed modu­les. Becau­se it can be exten­ded in all direc­tions, it also ser­ves to defi­ne paths, are­as and pro­ces­ses. And when needs and requi­re­ments chan­ge, Omnio P/L adapts sim­ply and quickly.

Look what I can do …

With its will to chan­ge, Omnio P/L also inspi­res our moti­on design team. In a short film, we bring the shelf to life – and sim­ply let it do what it can. Like a dream, worlds emer­ge that make us want to fly. Omni­pre­sence thanks to a bird’s eye view, accom­pa­nied by the spe­ci­al­ly com­po­sed Omnio sound­track, which is far more rela­xed than the album of the same name by a Nor­we­gi­an hea­vy metal band.

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Discover Omnio P/L!

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