Toy Museum Riehen

Learning through play

“Man is only ful­ly human whe­re he plays”. As the poet and phi­lo­so­pher Fried­rich Schil­ler once said. The Toy Muse­um Rie­hen is such a place whe­re visi­tors young and old can – and should – indul­ge their spi­rit of dis­co­very. A place whe­re the objects are not hid­den behind show­ca­ses, but can be expe­ri­en­ced and expe­ri­en­ced. From 2021, this will be par­ti­cu­lar­ly the case when the muse­um pres­ents its­elf anew as an inter­ac­ti­ve, cross-gene­ra­tio­nal house. Here, too, we will accom­pa­ny the Toy Muse­um and not only pro­vi­de the matching con­s­truc­tion site pos­ter for the time of the recon­s­truc­tion, but also a new logo and a new name for afterwards.

Strategy & Consulting

Mul­ti­sen­so­ry, inter­ac­ti­ve exhi­bi­ti­ons, lec­tures and work­shops in which child­ren in par­ti­cu­lar can get to know the muse­um world bet­ter and immer­se them­sel­ves in it. We cap­tu­red the colourful world of the Toy Muse­um Rie­hen and trans­la­ted our ide­as into appe­al­ing com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on media, such as pro­gram­me book­lets, event fly­ers, pos­ters and ani­ma­ti­ons. And to make sure that young and old ali­ke get the mes­sa­ge, we also put our know-how to good use in the area of press relations.

Temporary stages

We build the world, wid­de wid­de, the way we like it. Or rather, how the kids like it. For the litt­le sto­ries and the real­ly big per­for­man­ces, we have crea­ted a joint “cul­tu­ral stair­ca­se” with inte­gra­ted drinks bar and stage for the Toy Muse­um and the muni­ci­pa­li­ty of Rie­hen. A pop-up sta­ging of a spe­cial kind that crea­tes exci­te­ment with con­certs, open-air cine­ma or theat­re. Just like the various play sta­ti­ons that you can take a clo­ser look at in the cour­ty­ard. Here you can touch and par­ti­ci­pa­te ins­tead of just loo­king and watching.

Graphic design for children 
(and their parents)

Par­ti­ci­pa­te, expe­ri­ence, learn: If you want to inspi­re child­ren, you have to feel like them and speak the same lan­guage. We are good at see­ing the world through their eyes and have the­r­e­fo­re given free rein to our crea­ti­ve design sen­se. In the form of uncon­ven­tio­nal gra­phics for pos­ters, fly­ers and pro­gram­me book­lets that bring joy to child­ren and their par­ents. Ana­lo­gue and digi­tal­ly ani­ma­ted. A colourful mix of infor­ma­ti­on mate­ri­al that makes you want to dis­co­ver and expe­ri­ence, play and laugh.

Route guidance

Ori­en­ta­ti­on signs with a puffy cloud design remi­nis­cent of Frau Hol­le. The result is a gui­de that encou­ra­ges visi­tors to try out ever­y­thing that is so lovin­g­ly offe­red in the toy museum.


Graphics in space

Exhi­bi­ti­ons usual­ly live from the silent actors who show them­sel­ves to their visi­tors. This is also the case in the Toy Museum’s doll exhi­bi­ti­on. With the small but subt­le dif­fe­rence that the gra­phics are also per­cei­ved as part of the artis­tic envi­ron­ment. Whe­ther as sen­ten­ces on the walls or in the form of rota­ting room ele­ments – here ever­yo­ne is addres­sed in a spe­cial way.

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