Tettnanger Krone

Dressed in
a new look

Qua­li­ty is the reduc­tion to the essen­ti­al. Our maxim, which hits the mark, both visual­ly and in terms of tas­te, at Tett­nan­ger Kro­ne. True to tra­di­ti­on and the puri­ty law of 1516, Tett­nan­ger Kro­ne beers are bre­wed from the finest aro­ma hops and still with direct firing and then stored in deep cel­lar vaults for up to three months. We have given the brand a rede­sign plus a uni­form cor­po­ra­te design that crowns our gui­ding prin­ci­ples. The popu­lar Kro­nen­bier now shi­nes in a new guise.

Magic Potion Communication Design

A pro­duct that inspi­res the tar­get group – across all chan­nels. With our com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on design for the Tett­nan­ger Kro­ne, we have achie­ved what should be achie­ved: exu­berant enthu­si­asm. Online. Off­line. Bet­ween the line. Thanks to crea­ti­ve image and pro­duct fly­ers, tas­teful busi­ness sta­tio­nery and ana­lo­gue and digi­tal sales tools, all sen­ses are ser­ved with good taste.

Search for clues

Seven gene­ra­ti­ons of histo­ry, expe­ri­ence and bre­wing know­ledge have made the Tett­nang Kro­ne what it is today. Exci­ting insights into the histo­ry can be found on the new­ly desi­gned web­site. You will also find ever­y­thing you need to know about the Kro­nen­braue­rei, the bre­wery inn and the guest rooms. With our con­cept now cle­ar­ly sepa­ra­ted from each other and thus reco­g­nisable as inde­pen­dent seg­ments. All in the look of the new cor­po­ra­te design, of cour­se. This makes it easy to brow­se digi­tal­ly through the past – and the present.


What would a bot­t­le be wit­hout a matching emblem. We have adapt­ed the bot­t­le labels of the tra­di­tio­nal brand to its new, redu­ced design lan­guage. With an eye on the essen­ti­als, of cour­se – the con­tents – which now appear as clear and memo­rable as the beer its­elf. Qua­li­ty sim­ply stands out from the crowd. Thanks to the lumi­nous varie­ty desi­gna­ti­on, from now on also on the sales floor.

A crown for a wagon

A dif­fe­rent kind of beer enjoy­ment: qua­li­ty beers from the Tett­nang crown can now also be enjoy­ed at this uni­que design. The finest Tett­nang aro­ma hops in com­bi­na­ti­on with a sophisti­ca­ted design make beer lovers’ hearts beat fas­ter. The por­ta­ble bevera­ge stand is the ide­al com­pa­n­ion at trade fairs and events and scores with func­tion­a­li­ty and ele­gan­ce. And for all tho­se who are com­ple­te­ly spin­ning their wheels becau­se of the hip design: our “Kro­nen­wa­gen” is also available for rent!

Glass Manufactory

The “Glass Fac­to­ry with a Culina­ry Set­ting” has the poten­ti­al to beco­me not only a tou­rist attrac­tion but also an attrac­ti­ve mee­ting place in and for Tettnang(er*innen). The pro­duc­tion faci­li­ty will be moder­nis­ed and expan­ded to include modern archi­tec­tu­re. In the new buil­ding, the south house, the fer­men­ta­ti­on cel­lar and parts of the sto­rage cel­lar will be made visi­ble. Roun­ded off by the inte­gra­ted gas­tro­no­my, this will offer more space for the Tett­nan­ger Kro­ne expe­ri­ence. An exci­ting sym­bio­sis of moder­ni­ty and tra­di­ti­on that crea­tes an authen­tic brand expe­ri­ence and adds a strong visi­tor magnet to the city.

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