
From insights
and prospects

What appeals to archi­tects 365 days a year? Some­thing that inspi­res in all direc­tions. Schü­co, one of the lea­ding sup­pli­ers of high-qua­li­ty win­dow, door and faça­de sys­tems made of alu­mi­ni­um, PVC‑U and steel, has ent­rus­ted us with its com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on. Whe­ther calen­dars, bro­chu­res or web­site: We staged and com­mu­ni­ca­ted the company’s advan­ta­ges to the point. With sto­ries that stay in your head. And a design that not only suc­cessful­ly cap­tures the tone of the times, but also that of the architects.

Brand Strategy & Consulting

Archi­tects and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on desi­gners in direct exch­an­ge with each other. Thought ping-pong with the poten­ti­al to chan­ge per­spec­ti­ves. For Schü­co, we have used our inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry skills to deve­lop sales media that pro­vi­de archi­tects, plan­ners and con­sul­tants ali­ke with the infor­ma­ti­on they need. And which are so aes­the­ti­cal­ly plea­sing that they are never forgotten.

Contemporary sales tools

Faça­de sys­tems with 35, 50 and 60 mil­li­met­re face widths. Thought in pic­tures. The com­po­si­ti­on of the pro­duct bro­chu­re allows a direct size com­pa­ri­son of the faça­de pro­files. The know­ledge about the respec­ti­ve pro­fi­le is pre­sen­ted behind the matching alu­mi­ni­um look in cus­to­mi­sed lepo­rel­lo folds. Con­tem­po­ra­ry. Through and through. Like the calen­dar, which sty­lish­ly places Schüco’s crè­me de la crè­me refe­ren­ces. Week by week. Month after month.

Packaging Design

Lea­ving a las­ting impres­si­on. Even with pro­ducts that are see­mingly less tan­gi­ble. How can this be done? In the case of Schü­co, with a 3‑dimensional slip­ca­se – matching the pro­duct bro­chu­re. Pack­a­ging design that gets to the heart of the sub­ject of faça­de ele­ments. With cor­ners and edges. That you can feel. And that’s why you want to touch them. And if you can’t get enough of our crea­ti­ve work, you can sim­ply put the bro­chu­re and pack­a­ging on the shelf as design objects. Also beautiful!

Platform concept microsite

Inspi­re with ide­as. And with struc­tures. We are quite good at that. That’s why we have also desi­gned pro­duct-spe­ci­fic micro­si­tes as a coun­ter­part to the various sales tools. Struc­tu­ral designs that take archi­tects and faça­de plan­ners straight to their goal: the big pic­tu­re. Para­me­tric Sys­tem, for exam­p­le, with which free­ly plan­nable 3‑D faça­des can be rea­li­sed for the first time as an eco­no­mic­al sys­tem solu­ti­on. Or the EWS. A com­pre­hen­si­ve plat­form con­cept that offers com­ple­te­ly new dimen­si­ons of design free­dom. Design and func­tion – all from one ate­lier 522 hand.

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