

In kee­ping with the spi­rit of the times and always fine­ly rib­bed, Schies­ser has made histo­ry. And still does. Pure and unadul­tera­ted. Sin­ce 1875, we have taken on the com­pa­ny phi­lo­so­phy stee­ped in tra­di­ti­on and tail­o­red a new, uncon­ven­tio­nal shop con­cept. One that lite­ral­ly clings to the cus­to­mers. Draped with many emo­tio­nal high­lights. And attrac­ti­ve solu­ti­ons in terms of retail design, pro­duct pre­sen­ta­ti­on and pack­a­ging. For an authen­tic and cross-gene­ra­tio­nal shop­ping experience.

Strategy follows brand understanding

In sum­mer 2011, the tra­di­tio­nal com­pa­ny Schies­ser laun­ched a com­ple­te­ly new brand iden­ti­ty. Knit­ted, ever­y­thing from one source. And from ours. We made sure that more space was fil­led with the qua­li­ty brand, invi­ting even more body fee­ling. With this in mind, we have crea­ted a brand stra­tegy of the finest for the com­pa­ny from sou­thern Ger­ma­ny known for fine ribs. And it feels great …

Ser­vice phases:
LPH 1 – 9
Total area:
15,000 sqm

Clear line for the classics

Woo­den slats that once ser­ved as a pas­tu­re fence for a hor­se pad­dock and are now inte­gra­ted in recy­cled form as a POS ele­ment in the flag­ship store. In Ber­lin. On the Ku’­damm. What a state­ment! For Schies­ser, we also went through the enti­re under­wear ran­ge and res­truc­tu­red it. The result: a func­tion­al and aes­the­tic gen­der split­ting. For a con­tem­po­ra­ry here and now, we brought screens with appe­al­ing image images of the tra­di­tio­nal com­pa­ny onto the surface.

Retrospective surface staging

A clo­thes­li­ne instal­la­ti­on that imme­dia­te­ly brings back child­hood memo­ries of grandma’s good old sewing thread. And thus puts the brand logo within the shop sys­tem straight into the lime­light. You can’t get more sym­bo­lic than that. We have brought the clo­thes peg out of its slum­ber as an addi­tio­nal emo­tio­nal sty­li­stic device. It, too, can be found in playful ele­ments in all stores. A “sky” made of 36,240 woo­den clo­thes pegs directs the eye first to the cei­ling – then the feet into the shop. Like a red car­pet. Only different.

Product Design Sell-in & Window

Mer­chan­di­se pre­sen­ters that not only skilful­ly show­ca­se Schies­ser pro­ducts, but also come round the cor­ner as high­lights in their own right: Our pro­duct designs for sell-in and win­dow sur­faces are won­derful­ly chan­geable. For exam­p­le, depen­ding on the sea­son, the lin­ge­rie trol­ley ser­ves as a biki­ni car­ri­er or a fabu­lous wool­len vehic­le. A pre­sen­ter remi­nis­cent of an ele­gant avi­a­ry crea­tes a roman­tic, playful con­trast to a clear concept.

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