
Children’s world

Pain­ting cast­les in the air, blo­wing bubbles and lots of sto­rytel­ling. See­ing the world through children’s eyes has the poten­ti­al to chan­ge it crea­tively and sus­tain­ab­ly. To lea­ve foot­prints on it that you can real­ly be proud of. And becau­se we can learn so much from child­ren, we wan­ted to give some­thing back. To them and their par­ents, who are part of ate­lier 522 with all their pas­si­on. With the “Knirps­gar­ten” we have crea­ted a litt­le realm of our own for our youn­gest, which offers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence the world around them as a big play­ground. A place that wants to be dis­co­ver­ed, desi­gned and here and the­re also con­que­r­ed. Or why else do we have so many magic forests around us?

Pass on the good

The aim of our inte­gra­ted day care was and is to crea­te an indi­vi­du­al and nur­tu­ring envi­ron­ment for child­ren. A space that pro­vi­des secu­ri­ty, affec­tion and trust and at the same time con­veys safe­ty. Super­vi­sed and gui­ded by qua­li­fied edu­ca­tors and child­min­ders, the tots learn the neces­si­ty of social rules, but also the pos­si­bi­li­ty to deve­lop free­ly and wit­hout constraint.

Playful infor­ma­li­ty, which is also reflec­ted in the design: bright fur­ni­tu­re and toys made of natu­ral mate­ri­als, plus a lar­ge pain­ting table, a kit­chen with an oven and a cosy snug cor­ner with books wit­hout end. To read aloud and let your ima­gi­na­ti­on wan­der. All this is struc­tu­red by small but fine woo­den hou­ses. Exis­ting ele­ments are con­stant­ly being rebuilt and exch­an­ged to encou­ra­ge the children’s urge to dis­co­ver and to offer crea­ti­ve varie­ty. The­re is no ques­ti­on that our in-house desi­gners were cle­ar­ly at work on the furnishings.

Kids, how fun!

Play­ing, rom­ping and under­stan­ding the world as an open place: The child­ren in our Knirps­gar­ten deve­lop the natu­ral­ness to approach things free­ly, to take dif­fe­rent per­spec­ti­ves and to rely on their own intui­ti­on. Insi­de and out­side. For exam­p­le, the cher­ry orchard, which can be rea­ched on foot or with the children’s own trol­ley, attracts the litt­le ones with its sand­pit and paddock.

Adven­tures can be sought and found in the near­by forest. Rele­vant topics, such as cul­tu­ral events, are com­mu­ni­ca­ted chee­ki­ly and cheerful­ly on the “colourful board” and invi­te to open coope­ra­ti­on. The adja­cent com­mu­nal kit­chen invi­tes young and old to have lunch tog­e­ther and tea­ches social inter­ac­tion in a playful way. A very spe­cial sen­se of tog­e­ther­ness that makes the return to work almost child’s play.

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