Kaufmann Building Systems

Building without borders

Here, natu­ral wood forms the spaces for social housing, co-working spaces, kin­der­gar­tens, con­nec­ting accom­mo­da­ti­on and other places of human encoun­ter and accom­mo­da­ti­on. With its warm radi­ance, the mate­ri­al ensu­res human well-being and crea­tes a har­mo­nious rela­ti­onship bet­ween insi­de and out­side. A sys­tem in harm­o­ny with high eco­no­mic and eco­lo­gi­cal objectives.

Design with strategy

Tog­e­ther with Kauf­mann Bau­sys­te­me from Vor­arl­berg, we have desi­gned various woo­den con­tai­ner sys­tems. You could also say small space won­ders with gre­at poten­ti­al for impact. The modu­lar con­s­truc­tion is cha­rac­te­ri­sed by a short con­s­truc­tion time, a fast con­s­truc­tion method and a good eco­lo­gi­cal balan­ce. The sys­tem is pre­cise – to the mil­li­met­re. And indi­vi­du­al­ly rea­li­sable: ever­yo­ne can put tog­e­ther the room they want. Fasci­na­ting fle­xi­bi­li­ty. And gives freedom.

Rooms for big and small

Whe­ther kin­der­gar­tens or co-working – with the sys­tem we crea­te deve­lo­p­ment space for all age groups in our socie­ty. A wide varie­ty of requi­re­ments can be rea­li­sed in no time at all. The modu­la­ri­ty enables a wide varie­ty of archi­tec­tures. This crea­tes fle­xi­ble size arran­ge­ments of rooms and spaces in bet­ween – be it urban roof ter­races for out­door mee­tings or inner cour­ty­ards for safe play in the sandbox.

Student residences

The often unex­pec­ted and short-term demand for more living space in the “new uni­ver­si­ty trend city” is a chall­enge for many muni­ci­pa­li­ties and cities. The woo­den con­tai­ner sys­tem not only ser­ves a pur­po­se here, but also inspi­res with its space-saving pos­si­bi­li­ties. The aim is to pro­mo­te a lar­ge com­mu­ni­ty and yet offer ever­yo­ne their place of retre­at. Spa­ti­al cohe­si­on rethought.

Connection accommodation

Crea­ting rooms that are mana­geable and yet equip­ped with all neces­sa­ry and appli­ca­ti­on-spe­ci­fic func­tions. Modu­lar. Clo­se to peo­p­le. An intel­li­gent and social sys­tem with which we have suc­cessful­ly rea­li­sed seve­ral fol­low-up accom­mo­da­ti­ons. Expan­da­ble and redu­ci­b­le, as nee­ded. For archi­tec­tures that enable social tog­e­ther­ness. Com­mu­nal are­as indoors and out­doors that offer pro­tec­tion and thus freedom.

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