Hopfengut No20

Once the hops scratch

… as we all know, it never lets go. It was no dif­fe­rent for us when we immer­sed our­sel­ves in the world of hops. For Hop­fen­gut No20 in Tett­nang, we crea­ted a coher­ent brand con­cept and brea­thed life into it. On- and off­line. The for­mer muse­um was trans­for­med into an enti­re world of expe­ri­ence. We also added a shop, a small but fine show bre­wery, a sty­lish gas­tro­no­my area and a brand new pro­duct ran­ge plus an event hall. Framed by an exci­ting sea­so­nal pro­gram­me all about the green gold.

Brand – refreshingly defined!

From a small hop muse­um to a strong hop estate. From pure hop shoots to tas­teful and aes­the­tic enjoy­ment in bot­t­les. We have stra­te­gi­cal­ly desi­gned the ori­en­ta­ti­on of the hop cul­ti­va­ti­on, gas­tro­no­my, bre­wery, shop and muse­um divi­si­ons. What has beco­me estab­lished is a refres­hing brand with a fresh look and a pinch of res­truc­tu­ring – and the per­fect sales stra­tegy. But the jour­ney is far from over here …

Pure pleasure architecture

In the archi­tec­tu­ral rede­sign of the his­to­ric Sie­gel­hal­le, the Humu­lus lupu­lus is given the space it deser­ves. Gas­tro­no­my. Event and semi­nar loca­ti­on. Farm and muse­um shop with its own pro­ducts for deli­cious con­sump­ti­on. Here, the histo­ry of hop cul­ti­va­ti­on in Tett­nang and at the loca­ti­on its­elf is refer­red to ever­y­whe­re. And becau­se this spe­cial plant only reve­als its true cha­rac­ter in a beau­tiful atmo­sphe­re, we have natu­ral­ly also inte­gra­ted the sur­roun­ding land­scape into the concept.

Ser­vice phases:
LPH 1 – 5
Total area:
1200 sqm
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Multifunctional retail design

Hops are a real cha­me­le­on among plants. Won­derful­ly diver­se. A cha­rac­te­ristic that crea­tes an inspi­ring bree­ding ground for an envi­ron­ment that lea­ves not­hing to be desi­red. In shop design, for exam­p­le. And whe­re things get hot: in the bre­wery its­elf. The­re, whe­re the sen­ses are ripe for what is in store for you at the latest during the beer tasting. Or if you try your hand at bre­wing beer yours­elf for a day. A mul­ti­func­tion­al usa­ge area, so to speak. With taste.

Corporate Design & Product Design

Pre­ser­ving the old, dar­ing the new. That sums up the rede­sign of Hop­fen­gut No20’s cor­po­ra­te iden­ti­ty to a tee. We have refi­ned the brand mes­sa­ge in such a way that the full-bodi­ed core comes into its own even more inten­si­ve­ly. From the logo rede­sign to bro­chu­res, pos­ters, adver­ti­se­ments and postcards.

Sustainable brand experience

Hop­fen­gut pro­ducts are no lon­ger some­thing you just want to enjoy – you want to show them off! From the bot­t­le sel­ec­tion, which pres­ents the beer in a who­le new way, to a new, tas­teful pack­a­ging design. We have crea­ted a sti­mu­la­ting as well as sus­tainable brand expe­ri­ence that has that cer­tain “some­thing” in it.


A noble-loo­king brand design that appeals and turns you on. Far bey­ond the bre­wing kett­le. Right into the deepest depths of the World Wide Web. Even in the deve­lo­p­ment of the web­site, its struc­tu­re and enti­cing con­tent, we natu­ral­ly drew inspi­ra­ti­on from the world of hops. Across all media, the cor­po­ra­te design thus results in an abso­lut­e­ly exqui­si­te thing.

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