Gessler 1862

A world of experiences
for the senses

Not for the paro­chi­al: the new­ly desi­gned Gess­ler 1862 book­shop in Fried­richs­ha­fen. The­re are still ple­nty of books here – on (almost) all topics. But also ple­nty of life­style. To give away, to look at, to expe­ri­ence for yours­elf. Book lovers may now turn up their noses. But then they will miss out on the olfac­to­ry expe­ri­en­ces of the men’s fra­gran­ces and regio­nal spe­cia­li­ties. In addi­ti­on to the take-away tre­ats, you can also enjoy them on the spot. The café-bar atta­ched to the book­shop ser­ves won­derful home­ma­de deli­ca­ci­es – from cakes and soup to quiche and other chan­ging dai­ly spe­cials. The deve­lo­p­ment of the over­all con­cept, inte­ri­or design and pro­duct ran­ge con­sul­ting, web and gra­phic design as well as the deve­lo­p­ment of give-aways make the Gess­ler 1862 brand sto­ry a pie­ce of gold in the other­wi­se rather grey, indus­tri­al Zep­pe­lin city.

Book trade of the future

We crea­ted a tim­e­l­ess brand sto­ry for the tra­di­tio­nal book­s­to­re with its over 150-year histo­ry. To bring it to life, we crea­ted a shop for beau­tiful things. With a smart café whe­re you can find culina­ry delights as well as time to brow­se. You are lite­ral­ly swal­lo­wed up by the cosi­ness of the arm­chairs. And by the sur­roun­dings. But that’s also quite good. It’s a won­derful way to immer­se yours­elf. In the the­ma­tic worlds of enti­re lite­ra­ry decades.

Ser­vice phases:
LPH 1 – 9
Total area:
242 sqm
Con­s­truc­tion time:
4 weeks

Worlds of experience instead of disdainful retail

Fee­ling good in an envi­ron­ment whe­re you can’t help it. The colour con­cept: Natu­ral. Sty­lish. Lake Con­s­tance is reflec­ted in all its cou­lour facets in the cement mosaic tiles at the bar. The sales­room is desi­gned to be simp­le and of high qua­li­ty in res­trai­ned tones, with stained oak, brass, moss-green curta­ins and a subt­le gold. Sli­ding glass doors bet­ween the two main rooms sepa­ra­te the shop from the café and bar, accor­ding to taste.

Timeless corporate design

Book­shops have a decisi­ve advan­ta­ge over other shops: The pro­ducts fire our ima­gi­na­ti­on. We have incor­po­ra­ted this intan­gi­ble level of ima­gi­na­ti­on into the cor­po­ra­te design and made it visi­ble. And thus crea­ted some­thing to touch. From fine busi­ness cards and let­ter­heads to give-aways, note­pads and full-blown sta­tio­nery on which the new com­pa­ny logo has sin­ce been enthro­ned. And for tho­se who pre­fer menu cards as rea­ding mat­ter: we have also imple­men­ted them deliciously.

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