Eternit Sunskin

Power station

100 squa­re met­res of roof sur­face with a slo­pe of 10 degrees gene­ra­te about 1,000 kilo­watt hours of ener­gy per year. And how much green elec­tri­ci­ty do you pro­du­ce? A ques­ti­on that strikes a chord with us. After all, it is our com­mon task to shape pla­net Earth in such a way that it remains liveable for future gene­ra­ti­ons. We were the­r­e­fo­re deligh­ted when Eter­nit (Schweiz) AG asked us to sup­port a cam­paign to find an ans­wer to that ques­ti­on. And it comes in the form of a high­ly effi­ci­ent solar panel cal­led Sunskin.

Sustainably beautiful

Sunskin is the sus­tainable sys­tem solu­ti­on for pho­to­vol­taic sys­tems on buil­ding roofs that per­fect­ly com­bi­nes aes­the­tics and eco­lo­gy. The panel modu­les with their frame­l­ess, flat shape inte­gra­te per­fect­ly into roof land­scapes. With a focus on this ener­gy-rich poten­ti­al, we set to work.

In such a way that the tar­get group of archi­tects with their spe­cial demand for aes­the­tics is picked up exact­ly. Our con­tri­bu­ti­ons for sus­tain­ab­ly suc­cessful sales: a ren­de­red key visu­al, a pro­duct fly­er, pro­duct video and landing page. Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on ele­ments that all speak the same visu­al lan­guage and cle­ar­ly con­vey the core message.


Communicating in a tangible way

A 6‑page fol­ding card with a lasered cover that offers a glim­pse of the world’s most natu­ral ener­gy source – the sun. With this spe­cial pro­duct fly­er, we put all the advan­ta­ges of Sunskin on paper in an infor­ma­ti­ve and crea­ti­ve way. One that cau­sed a posi­ti­ve stir among the dis­cer­ning rea­der­ship as a valuable insert in the maga­zi­ne ARCH+. 


Naturally located

The need to save ener­gy cos­ts with solar ener­gy and thus reli­e­ve the bur­den on the envi­ron­ment is beco­ming ever grea­ter. But how exact­ly does a solar sys­tem work? With a simp­le yet meaningful info­gra­phic, we shed light on the dark­ness by illus­t­ra­ting the pure func­tion of a solar sys­tem and show­ing the dif­fe­rent pos­si­ble uses of the ener­gy gene­ra­ted from it.

In addi­ti­on, we deve­lo­ped a key visu­al that makes the bound­less scope for design visi­ble at a glan­ce and is loca­ted in the midd­le of a moun­tain land­scape, thus making refe­rence to Eternit’s Swiss headquarters.


Sun-clear communication

And becau­se things that make sen­se deser­ve an appro­pria­te plat­form, we also crea­ted a landing page for Eternit’s effi­ci­ent solar modu­les. A sun-clear mes­sa­ge in the same design style as the other means of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, i.e. sui­ta­ble for the tar­get group of archi­tects and other sus­tainable aes­the­tes of this solar sys­tem. Who still wants to con­su­me elec­tri­ci­ty in a con­ven­tio­nal way?

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