
Cor­po­ra­te cul­tu­re
retold and redesigned

Personality lies in the design

“Ever­y­thing new”, sings Peter Fox in Ber­lin. Yes, ever­y­thing! repli­es a per­son­nel con­sul­tancy in Ravens­burg. Ins­tead of a wre­cking ball, howe­ver, it moves into new pre­mi­ses and refur­bis­hes its cor­po­ra­te design, web­site, let­ter­heads and tex­tu­al appearance. The brand rede­sign addi­tio­nal­ly boosts moti­va­ti­on at the new loca­ti­on. What fol­lows is cor­po­ra­te cul­tu­re and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on like in a pic­tu­re book.


Leadership positions squared

The name should remain, the brand reco­g­nisable. Ever­y­thing else: Make it new! In stra­te­gic ana­ly­sis and con­sul­ting, we can only say: that’s right. The tar­get group needs it to be sti­mu­la­ting and at the same time serious and ups­ca­le. The rede­sign in black and white with vel­vet red and inky blue accents sets the right frame­work for this. The squa­re logo speaks of a clear atti­tu­de and tells of the search for the right peo­p­le for open manage­ment posi­ti­ons. For tho­se with litt­le time, a new cla­im brings this to the point: Cor­ven­tis finds personalities.


News must also look new

The car­pet is rol­led out in the new loca­ti­on and the first new­ly desi­gned news­let­ters are alre­a­dy flut­te­ring out of the reel. The stra­te­gic cus­to­mer approach con­ti­nues. Inter­views and other new for­mats as well as a fresh, some­ti­mes pro­vo­ca­ti­ve tone make appli­cants and com­pa­nies want to meet – with Cor­ven­tis in the middle.


Strong characters, multimedia staged

For par­ti­cu­lar­ly cha­rac­terful pho­tos and por­trait films, we direct the staff shoot, which is also cele­bra­ted as a team day. From the came­ra, ever­yo­ne goes to the inter­view appoint­ment. Through the dou­ble flower rea­ding, clo­se employee pro­files are crea­ted. Mean­while, our film­ma­kers move to the stu­dio and sel­ec­ted loca­ti­ons and shoot video minia­tures for web and social media that illus­tra­te the company’s values with atmo­sphe­ric close-ups.

Online goes new ways

The squa­re remains the mea­su­re of all things, also in web design. The result is a fle­xi­ble set box sys­tem in which ever­y­thing finds its place – just like the can­di­da­tes in the com­pa­ny. Playful details bring addi­tio­nal move­ment into the user path, inter­ac­tion increa­ses. The need for infor­ma­ti­on is satis­fied in com­ple­te­ly res­truc­tu­red and refor­mu­la­ted con­tent: from the ser­vice port­fo­lio to the mis­si­on state­ment to the com­pa­ny pro­fi­le, we find con­cre­te and cle­ar­ly addres­sed words.


Office design as a brand message

Ever­yo­ne pas­ses by: a lar­ge-for­mat logo in metal let­ters at the new com­pa­ny head­quar­ters. The cor­po­ra­te design was inte­gra­ted into the archi­tec­tu­re, adding valuable details. From the recep­ti­on to the view of the gui­dance sys­tem and the pri­va­cy screen on the glass par­ti­ti­ons, to the new­ly desi­gned sta­tio­nery and bran­ded office uten­sils and givea­ways – visi­tors now fol­low the com­pa­ny along a clear design path.