
A stage
for icons

Clear lines, pre­cise edges and excel­lent work­man­ship: Dorn­bracht pro­ducts stand for uncom­pro­mi­sing pre­cis­i­on in archi­tec­tu­re and inte­ri­or design. Dorn­bracht deve­lo­ps noble high-end fit­tings for bath­rooms, show­ers and kit­chens, which, with their histo­ry, act like a tim­e­l­ess play. For this, we crea­te modern and inspi­ring stage sets.


Put in the right light

The bath­room as a place for per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment. Here we per­cei­ve archi­tec­tu­re up clo­se. Expe­ri­ence our sur­roun­dings with all our sen­ses. Dorn­bracht does not sim­ply design pro­ducts. The company’s aspi­ra­ti­on is to crea­te icons that enrich our ever­y­day lives per­ma­nent­ly and time and again. So how should a fit­ting be desi­gned that not only ful­fils its func­tion, but also con­veys a fee­ling? And how do we trans­port this fee­ling into the room?

Formative bathroom architecture

The Room­book from Dorn­bracht pro­vi­des space for inspi­ra­ti­on. Cle­ar­ly struc­tu­red, with a detail­ed descrip­ti­on of the use of the new CYO fit­tings series. From luxu­rious­ly ele­gant to extra­va­gant­ly modern – with the new book­let for the new­ly inter­pre­ted clas­sic, inten­si­ve bath­room expe­ri­en­ces can be crea­ted in the con­text of mate­ria­li­ty, colour, form and sur­face. Visi­bly cha­rac­te­ri­sed by the hig­hest stan­dards of design and aes­the­tics. Details that, with the new bro­chu­re, pro­vi­de dea­lers, fit­ters and plan­ners with inspi­ra­ti­on for the crea­ti­ve imple­men­ta­ti­on of invi­ting show­rooms and retail environments.

Mix of styles

Whe­ther purist, luxu­rious, modern or natu­ral – the room book is gra­phi­cal­ly under­pin­ned by sket­chy per­spec­ti­ves and authen­tic mate­ri­al pho­to­graphs that under­line the indi­vi­dua­li­ty of the CYO series. An inter­play of chan­gea­bi­li­ty that accen­tua­tes the spec­trum of pos­si­bi­li­ties in colour.

Highlight area product presentation

With “The Metro­po­li­tan” and “The Oasis”, the Room­book con­ta­ins two lead archi­tec­tures who­se design phi­lo­so­phies have been trans­la­ted into appe­al­ing dis­plays for the sta­tio­na­ry trade. Expres­si­ve high­light are­as for pro­duct pre­sen­ta­ti­on, made of high-qua­li­ty mate­ri­als such as marb­le and expo­sed con­cre­te, repre­sent “the new bath­room”. Func­tion­al­ly plan­ned so that they can be sent to tar­get groups world­wi­de in a space-saving manner.

A sove­reign state­ment in both pro­gres­si­ve and clas­sic bath­rooms: CYO com­bi­nes ori­gin and future in the now. The basic shape of the cir­cle deter­mi­nes the design and finds its per­fec­tion in the cir­cu­lar hand­les. Careful­ly sel­ec­ted sur­faces under­line the exclu­si­ve fea­tures of CYO and gua­ran­tee a sen­se of style and durability.


Showing an edge

Design means atti­tu­de. No more and no less. For Dorn­bracht – and also for us. To empha­sise the uni­que­ness of the “Dorn­bracht Icons”, we fur­ther deve­lo­ped the exis­ting mate­ri­al sel­ec­tion and desi­gned a trade fair stand that puts the company’s best­sel­lers in the right light. An impres­si­ve micro-sta­ging in which each indi­vi­du­al ele­ment recei­ves the atten­ti­on it deser­ves. High-qua­li­ty panels and dif­fe­rent natu­ral stones allow the design to stand out. A flowing inter­play of ele­ments streng­thens the aes­the­tics of the pro­ducts down to the smal­lest corner.

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