Stadler plant engineering

Beautiful new
Working world

In the begin­ning was the uni­ver­se. The name for a beau­tiful, order­ly, vir­tuous world. In this world, a monk once pla­ced his bureau over the unpo­lished wood of the first desk to pro­tect the pre­cious (parch­ment and wri­tin­gs). The bureau was a cloth-cover­ed office table and the epi­to­me of qua­li­ty and care. Today, the cul­tu­ral envi­ron­ment in the office is domi­na­ted by eco­no­mic ratio­na­li­ty and incre­asing­ly col­l­i­des with the ori­gi­nal idea of the “office” and the needs of the employees. Yet qua­li­ty in the human envi­ron­ment is the stron­gest moti­vat­ing fac­tor – clo­se­ly fol­lo­wed by care in hand­ling. Incen­ti­ve enough for Stad­ler Anla­gen­bau, the spe­cia­list in the was­te dis­po­sal and recy­cling indus­try, to crea­te 850 squa­re met­res of new space with the gene­ral con­trac­tor Reisch. Space for a new working world whe­re work and rege­ne­ra­ti­on are in harmony.

The future of the office

Flowing tran­si­ti­ons. Office, co-working spaces, flu­id spaces, home office: the working world is on the move – both struc­tu­ral­ly and spa­ti­al­ly. The blen­ding of spaces and the dis­so­lu­ti­on of the boun­da­ries bet­ween work and lei­su­re are crying out for trans­for­ma­ti­on. This affects archi­tec­tu­re, space and fur­ni­tu­re in equal mea­su­re. For Stad­ler, we have deve­lo­ped a “New Work” con­cept that opti­mi­ses the atmo­sphe­re of col­la­bo­ra­ti­on, increa­ses the effi­ci­en­cy and well-being of employees and pro­mo­tes indi­vi­du­al working methods.

© Roland Halbe
© Roland Halbe

Interior design

Open and clo­sed office spaces – fle­xi­ble and modu­lar. Com­mu­nal and retre­at spaces. An exhi­bi­ti­on area and sea­ting niches for cul­ti­va­ted lin­ge­ring. We have given the Stad­ler head­quar­ters in Alt­shau­sen a new cha­rac­ter. With a lot of wood, we have crea­ted space for a lot of warmth. With glass, we have ensu­red cla­ri­ty and trans­pa­ren­cy. And crea­ted exci­ting con­trasts with con­cre­te and dark ele­ments. Fri­end­ly expan­si­ve­ness, which also picks up on the atri­um and floods the core of the buil­ding with light. A well thought-out gui­dance sys­tem pro­vi­des even more ori­en­ta­ti­on. After all, you want to explo­re everything …

Ser­vice phases:
LPH 1 – 9
Total area:
850 sqm
Orde­ring party:
Georg Reisch
GmbH & Co. KG

Gastronomy architecture

Bright, clear and sur­pri­sing. We also rede­si­gned the refec­to­ry and enlar­ged it at the same time. An essen­ti­al style ele­ment: a slat­ted cei­ling that simul­ta­neous­ly ser­ves as noi­se pro­tec­tion and per­fect acou­stic con­trol. Wood as a feel-good mate­ri­al – plus the inter­play of dark and light tones. Sepa­ra­te are­as pro­vi­de varie­ty in the heights and crea­te struc­tu­re in the room. Here you can suf­fi­ci­ent­ly rech­ar­ge your batteries.

This way!

Clear com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on for quick ori­en­ta­ti­on. The gui­dance sys­tem is an inte­gral part of the archi­tec­tu­re of the Stad­ler buil­ding and con­tri­bu­tes to the visu­al iden­ti­ty of the buil­ding and its spaces. Redu­ced, simp­le, quick to grasp. And so beau­tiful that you’ll be hap­py to do a few more rounds.


Exhibition design

Eye-cat­cher of a spe­cial kind: the recy­cling cycle of a PET bot­t­le and other exci­ting topics have taken their place direct­ly in the foy­er, taking up the topic of was­te dis­po­sal in an artis­tic and playful way. In addi­ti­on, the­re are lots of insights. For exam­p­le, how many count­ries use high-per­for­mance sort­ing tech­no­lo­gy from Stad­ler. The ans­wer is reve­a­led imme­dia­te­ly below – when you open the info boxes. And the­re are also expl­ana­to­ry films. Just be curious!

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