Architecture RS17

An unobtrusive jewel

Inti­ma­cy and space united in a sin­gle archi­tec­tu­re. Coher­ent. Bene­fi­ci­al. With a core of sophisti­ca­ted design and down-to-earth joie de viv­re. High up on the Geh­ren­berg, in the hin­ter­land of Lake Con­s­tance, we have crea­ted a resi­den­ti­al pro­per­ty that makes the architect’s heart beat fas­ter. Con­sis­tent in its exe­cu­ti­on – uni­que and very per­so­nal in its design. Roman­ti­cal­ly situa­ted, with a view over old hor­se pas­tu­res, old, graceful fruit trees and Lake Con­s­tance as far as the Swiss Alps, a jewel of archi­tec­tu­re reve­als its­elf right here. Impo­sing, yes – but neither loud nor obtru­si­ve. It is not loo­king for the big stage and yet it draws all eyes to its­elf when view­ed. As soon as you enter the fore­court, you are gree­ted by a lush plant cano­py that sets the first roman­tic, playful accents.

Ser­vice phases:
LH 1–9
Flo­or space:
220 sqm

Along­side this is the free and honest view of the building’s straight­for­ward con­s­truc­tion and pro­duc­tion methods, which had a decisi­ve influence on the archi­tec­tu­ral design. Here, a num­ber of anchor points are reve­a­led that har­mo­nious­ly inte­gra­te ele­ments from the past into the here and now: The anchor points of the con­cre­te cas­ting are freed from their use­l­ess­ness and pro­vi­ded with tethers for the hor­ses and taps for wate­ring the garden.

Spe­cial details that all have their own histo­ry. Like the pati­na, which through natu­ral pro­ces­ses attri­bu­tes to the con­cre­te U, the buil­ding enve­lo­pe, the pos­si­bi­li­ty of gra­du­al­ly beco­ming one with natu­re. While the glass front facing south sur­ren­ders com­ple­te­ly to the reflec­tion of natu­re and is thus sub­ject to a split-second trans­for­ma­ti­on, the moss on the faça­de takes all the time in the world.

When you step fur­ther into the ent­rance area, two sepa­ra­te dou­ble doors alre­a­dy give you an idea that this is much more than mere archi­tec­tu­re. Quite the oppo­si­te. Histo­ry comes ali­ve here. Ber­lin histo­ry, to be pre­cise, becau­se said dou­ble doors come from the house of Cumberland.

Once plan­ned as a boar­ding palace, it recei­ved its guests as a grand hotel from 1912 onwards and – along­side the famous Hotel Adlon – was con­side­red one of the finest addres­ses in the capi­tal for almost a quar­ter of a cen­tu­ry. When you open the­se his­to­ric inte­ri­or ele­ments, you emer­ge from an invi­ting ent­rance area into an expan­si­ve atri­um. Here, living and dining cul­tu­re com­bi­ne to form a tas­teful who­le. Thanks to the con­ti­nuous glass front, you have an unob­s­truc­ted view of the see­mingly end­less natu­re. A cen­tral­ly pla­ced spi­ral stair­ca­se, also from Cum­ber­land, leads to the flo­or abo­ve. Here, too, uncom­pro­mi­sing aes­the­tics are reflec­ted. A suc­cessful con­clu­si­on to the play with inti­ma­cy and space in the bed­rooms, dres­sing rooms and sani­ta­ry facilities.

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