Migros / Basel train station

Jum­ping on the train of time

Anyo­ne who makes a jour­ney can tell a sto­ry. Basel SBB sta­ti­on is the lar­gest bor­der sta­ti­on in Euro­pe. It is the hub of peo­p­le who set off on their dai­ly jour­neys. Whe­ther to distant count­ries or to the near­by office – the sta­ti­on is a place of per­so­nal sto­ries – and encoun­ters. Of fare­wells and reuni­ons. But also a place whe­re our sen­ses are allo­wed to ride the mer­ry-go-round. In this exci­ting sce­n­ery, we give free rein to our empa­thy and crea­ti­vi­ty. We will lend a hand to the his­to­ric halls of the west wing, which will shi­ne in even grea­ter sple­ndour after their transformation.

History meets the gastronomic concept of the future

A his­to­ric buil­ding with the hig­hest requi­re­ments for monu­ment pro­tec­tion. Anyo­ne who dares to take on such a pro­ject needs a sure instinct. The spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons with which Migros, the lar­gest retail com­pa­ny in Switz­er­land, ent­rus­ted us with the design manage­ment of the three halls were also decisi­ve. The wish: a modern and uni­que gas­tro­no­mic con­cept that empha­si­s­es the extra­or­di­na­ry flair of the buil­ding and also gets an inde­pen­dent new name, look & feel from us. One that exu­des light­ness, but at the same time picks up on exis­ting values and deve­lo­ps them further.

We also took a clo­se look at the diver­si­ty of the tar­get groups that enter the­se hal­lo­wed halls. What needs do they have? And how do the­se affect their length of stay?

Migros Eatery Logo RGB_5
Migros Eatery Logo RGB_4

Three experience halls – three target groups

800 squa­re met­res spread over three spe­cial rooms. Roman­tic nost­al­gia is reve­a­led as soon as you walk through the his­to­ric dou­ble doors. The indi­vi­du­al com­part­ments of the west wing are aimed at peo­p­le with very dif­fe­rent needs. The­re are the hasty ones who are lite­ral­ly on the go with a café in hand. The com­mut­ers who want to pack one or two inspi­ra­ti­ons into their busi­ness bags for the road. The­re are all kinds of working peo­p­le from the busy envi­ron­ment for lunch and din­ner – and of cour­se the tra­vel­lers and tou­rists who con­scious­ly per­cei­ve this place as some­thing spe­cial and want to stock up on Swiss chocolate.

Quick on the hand

With the bright and fri­end­ly inte­ri­or design of the first hall, we will in future address tho­se who want to grab a tasty sand­wich on their way quick­ly or a bou­quet of flowers fresh­ly bound with love. We catch the hasty. With honest ser­vice and with a digni­fied lining of the room made of soft wood and light metal ele­ments, we turn the 70 squa­re met­res into some­thing per­so­nal. Into some­thing that awa­kens indi­vi­du­al attrac­tion and desi­re despi­te a lack of time.

Migros / Basel train station

To a moment of diversity

Dres­sed pre­do­mi­nant­ly in black metal, com­bi­ned with bright and lively ele­ments, the second hall pres­ents its­elf. 185 squa­re met­res, which adapts to the indi­vi­du­al pace of the com­mut­ers. In future, an invi­tingly desi­gned con­ve­ni­ence area will be found here, with ple­nty of appe­al­ing rea­dy-to-eat pro­ducts and drinks.

And if you’­re in the mood for even more varie­ty, you can let yours­elf be tempt­ed by a varie­ty of culina­ry delights while strol­ling through the open and spa­cious eth­nic mar­ket. The spe­cia­li­ties can be enjoy­ed at lei­su­re at one of the cosy bar tables or in the adjoi­ning win­ter gar­den, which with its 200 squa­re met­res offers an open view of the track scenery.

Stroll, linger and enjoy

Pla­ced in the cent­re, as a wort­hy high­light in the his­to­ric hall of the west wing: the glass pro­duc­tion. Fresh and hand­ma­de – a pro­mi­se who­se authen­ti­ci­ty you can see for yours­elf up clo­se. Unmist­aka­ble tas­te, which also runs like a red thread through the inte­ri­or design: black metal com­bi­ned with cosy wood, expan­ded metal for more light­ness, grey ter­raz­zo and metal squa­re pipes. The sce­n­ery is framed by his­to­ric wood panell­ing, stuc­co walls and won­derful­ly warm sky­light. 320 squa­re met­res of sen­sua­li­ty – made for the eyes, nose and palate.

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