Jos. Berchtold

Sha­ping. Sin­ce 1924.

For 100 years, the name Jos Berch­told has been syn­ony­mous with out­stan­ding door and wall solu­ti­ons from Switz­er­land. To mark this important anni­ver­sa­ry, the long-estab­lished com­pa­ny is pre­sen­ting a spe­cial anni­ver­sa­ry cam­paign that del­ves deep into the world of the work­shop and focu­ses on the heart of the com­pa­ny – the peo­p­le and their work.

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Shaping. Since 1924.

With a clear visi­on and a deep under­stan­ding of the histo­ry of Jos Berch­told, the cla­im was crea­ted: Sha­ping. Sin­ce 1924. The cla­im is short, con­cise and redu­ced to the essen­ti­als. It sum­ma­ri­ses the cor­po­ra­te cul­tu­re and phi­lo­so­phy in a nuts­hell and reflects the cla­im to have com­bi­ned tra­di­ti­on with inno­va­ti­on for a century.

From form to tradition

A new logo was crea­ted for the anni­ver­sa­ry: a 100 made up of doors of various shapes. The logo sym­bo­li­ses the diver­si­ty and mul­ti­face­ted natu­re of the solu­ti­ons that Jos Berch­told has crea­ted over the cour­se of a century.

The magic of doors

The con­cept of the film is based on an emo­tio­nal idea: the magic of doors and their ever­y­day magic. Becau­se doors are far more than just func­tion­al ele­ments. They open up new spaces and crea­te magi­cal moments. The film tells the sto­ry of ever­y­day life in the work­shop, whe­re tra­di­ti­on meets inno­va­ti­on and whe­re craft­sman­ship is prac­ti­sed at the hig­hest level.

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atelier522-Jos Berchtold-100 years of image film employees
atelier522-Jos Berchtold-100 years image film briefing review
atelier522-Jos Berchtold-100 years of image film sawing

With fascination and passion

Jos Berch­told has been living values such as qua­li­ty, pre­cis­i­on and inno­va­ti­on for a cen­tu­ry. Long-stan­ding employees and young talents work hand in hand, sha­ring know­ledge and crea­ting gre­at things tog­e­ther. The film suc­ceeds in con­vey­ing the fasci­na­ti­on and pas­si­on for the craft and at the same time buil­ding a bridge to the next 100 years.

To the next 100 years

The rea­li­sa­ti­on of this cam­paign shows once again how powerful the inter­play of crea­ti­vi­ty, craft­sman­ship and emo­tio­nal sto­rytel­ling can be. We are deligh­ted to be part of this spe­cial jour­ney and to accom­pa­ny Jos Berchtold’s suc­cess sto­ry with this campaign.

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