Everything in flux

Crad­le-to-Crad­le – from ori­gin to ori­gin. This approach has been adopted by the world’s
Alu­mi­ni­um pro­du­cer Hydro has put a new focus on the use and pro­ces­sing of recy­cled alu­mi­ni­um raw mate­ri­als. And thus demons­tra­tes a recy­cling exper­ti­se that nee­ded to be made visi­ble: with an exhi­bi­ti­on stand at the sus­taina­bi­li­ty trade fair “The Gree­ner Manu­fac­tu­ring Show”. A plat­form with more than 150 exhi­bi­tors from all over the world and over 2,000 inter­na­tio­nal brand owners and manu­fac­tu­r­ers who are rese­ar­ching the latest tech­no­lo­gies and solu­ti­ons to redu­ce glo­bal cli­ma­te change.

Immersion in the material cycle

A cur­ved exhi­bi­ti­on rib­bon trans­por­ted visi­tors to the fair into a “flow” of ele­ments – not coin­ci­den­tal­ly in the form of an infi­ni­te loop. The alu­mi­ni­um mate­ri­al and ener­gy cycles were pre­sen­ted in a trans­pa­rent and acces­si­ble way. Raw mate­ri­als and recy­cl­ables in fine glass bowls invi­ted visi­tors to touch and grasp them – gent­ly sur­roun­ded by a tex­ti­le curtain that made them want to jump on the new wave of sus­taina­bi­li­ty. Reduc­tion to the essen­ti­als also appli­es to the mate­ri­als used: the table made of alu­mi­ni­um tubes, lac­que­r­ed wood, no addi­tio­nal flo­or … the flow as an uns­po­ken gui­de for the visitors.


Motivation, Information, Action

“Take your seat. Join our Jour­ney.” This was the invi­ta­ti­on that Hydro was able to extend befo­re, during and after the trade fair across all media and to the enti­re indus­try – after the mes­sa­ge had been shar­pe­ned and con­den­sed into a cam­paign cla­im and mis­si­on state­ment. This laid the foun­da­ti­on for editing the trade fair the­me and brin­ging the most important infor­ma­ti­on and mes­sa­ges to the tables in cat­chy texts. Final­ly, taking the appeal into one’s own hands was par­ti­cu­lar­ly easy with a set of post­cards to take home. Bet­ter than exten­si­ve bro­chu­res, it sum­ma­ri­sed the cen­tral take-aways on the back – and con­vin­ced with a high fri­dge door fac­tor on the front. 


A journey through design

More than two thirds of Hydro’s glo­bal alu­mi­ni­um pro­duc­tion is powered by hydro­elec­tri­ci­ty. It was only natu­ral that the com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on design was infu­sed with the “Jour­ney” across all media. Illus­tra­ti­ve style, natu­re pho­to­gra­phy and digi­tal ani­ma­ti­on com­bi­ned for the right mix of ener­gy. From the digi­tal invi­ta­ti­on, which car­ri­ed the cla­im and the ener­ge­tic address, to rede­si­gned table gra­phics and the high-qua­li­ty post­cards, to atmo­sphe­ric pro­jec­tions on the exhi­bi­ti­on stand curtains.

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