
Five rooms
Kitchen Bathroom

A rather fan­cy and eye-cat­ching name for the new­ly desi­gned space at Hei­korn in Sin­gen. But it’s just as well, becau­se the 800 squa­re met­res of shop space wan­ted to be reju­ve­n­a­ted. We saw the com­bi­na­ti­on of ori­gi­na­li­ty and dura­bi­li­ty for this. Inte­ri­or design with a dif­fe­rence. Modern com­bi­ned with the clas­sics. In this way, we brought out old favou­ri­tes in a new com­bi­na­ti­on, with the aim of con­ti­nuing sto­ries that mean some­thing to ever­yo­ne and touch memories.

Connecting points of attraction

We have brought a breath of fresh air into the shop with the rede­sign of the retail space. We have crea­ted worlds in which all age groups feel equal­ly com­for­ta­ble. On the first flo­or, for exam­p­le, not­hing reminds us of the lar­ge hall with the uni­form shop-in-shop sys­tems. Sceno­gra­phic work at its best: the exis­ting basic struc­tu­re with light­ing and shop­fit­ting was rear­ran­ged and exci­tingly staged with high­lights in the cen­tral space.

On the ground flo­or, warm tones com­bi­ned with woo­den ele­ments ensu­re that a cer­tain soft­ness holds sway. A goods pre­sen­ta­ti­on sys­tem deve­lo­ped for König Laden­bau is also allo­wed to show what it can do here. In direct con­trast to this is an indus­tri­al glass wall – steel and con­cre­te appear rough and indus­tri­al here. In order to streng­then the indus­tri­al cha­rac­ter, pipes and ven­ti­la­ti­on ducts were inten­tio­nal­ly left open, which inte­gra­te har­mo­nious­ly into the over­all picture.

Cult meets future

Young, fresh and with a love of detail, the new­ly desi­gned are­as of the youth depart­ment in the base­ment also pre­sent them­sel­ves. Gra­phics and black-and-white struc­tures that give way to colourful clot­hing and youthful free­dom. A world of expe­ri­ence that plays with fantasies.

And that’s not all: living and feel-good sce­na­ri­os with cult cha­rac­ter grew. Would you like an exam­p­le? The first car of one’s own – the Fiat 500 – as an eye-cat­cher bet­ween loo­se­ly sus­pen­ded lat­ti­ce boxes that ser­ve as mer­chan­di­se car­ri­ers for fashion and, in inter­ac­tion with other con­s­truc­tions for pro­duct pre­sen­ta­ti­on, unfold their very own struc­tures and tell enti­re life stories.

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