Work­room with value

The young Zurich-based con­sul­tancy coll­ec­ti­ve FUTUN offers a workspace for fami­lies in chal­len­ging busi­ness trans­for­ma­ti­on pro­ces­ses: coming tog­e­ther around a table, beco­ming capa­ble of making decis­i­ons, sha­ping suc­ces­si­on in a sus­tainable way. In short: pas­sing on values! That’s what it’s all about. And that’s what the tar­get group should grasp right from the first hap­tic encoun­ter – hap­ti­cal­ly and digitally.

A tangible mission statement

In work­shops and stra­tegy plan­ning, we take the brand out of niche com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on. We shar­pen the ran­ge of ser­vices. Build a trust­wor­t­hy but ori­gi­nal iden­ti­ty – and help ral­ly the young team behind the new mis­si­on state­ment for com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on: the Werk­raum. Here, rigid values come ali­ve again. Com­mu­ni­ty is just as much a part of it as craft­sman­ship, crea­ti­vi­ty and a hands-on mentality.

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Making philosophy understandable

Cla­im and logo deve­lo­p­ment fol­low and, with a colon, open up the space for an exci­ting brand that stands out from both the giants and the no-names of the indus­try in a valuable and authen­tic way. Under the new brand mes­sa­ge, con­cise head­lines, excur­si­ons into the cor­po­ra­te phi­lo­so­phy and exci­ting work reports are crea­ted. All exis­ting con­tent is scru­ti­ni­sed by our edi­to­ri­al team and deve­lo­ped into meaningful, acces­si­ble texts for all media.

Futun Collection WEB

Minimalism without the need for explanation

Ever­y­thing set in stone? Nope. The balan­cing act bet­ween the gene­ra­ti­ons that FUTUN mana­ges in its day-to-day con­sul­ting work also beco­mes an incen­ti­ve for cor­po­ra­te iden­ti­ty and design. Cheeky neon coral red meets serious appeal, modern mini­ma­lism meets smart details, tra­di­tio­nal embos­sing meets inno­va­ti­ve orga­nic paper, real marb­le meets youthful spi­rit. This brings move­ment into har­den­ed mate­ri­al and old values. How could tra­di­ti­on and the future meet better?

For a bet­ter under­stan­ding, we also bring illus­tra­tor Johan­na Benz into the work­room. Gra­phic recor­ding is used to crea­te exclu­si­ve, tren­chant sket­ches that help FUTUN get to the heart of com­pli­ca­ted issues.

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Digital interaction at your fingertips

For web design, the work­room beco­mes even more tan­gi­ble. The marb­le melts into a soft mate­ri­al under the mou­se poin­ter or smart­phone touch of the visi­tor. Allows its­elf to be play­ed with. The future is once again in our own hands. That is beau­tiful. On it goes, right across the room. A hand­le here, a pull-out the­re: like in a well-sto­cked work­shop, you find fold-out boxes and com­part­ments to work your way up to tools, mate­ri­als and work­pie­ces. Bet­ween easy-to-grasp typo­gra­phy, new objec­ti­vi­ty and inno­va­ti­ve user gui­dance, the­re is a desi­re for the uncon­ven­tio­nal advi­so­ry collective.

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