Shaping distinctive clarity

We are peo­p­le of the eyes. But we were not always. The road to the domi­nan­ce of the sen­se of sight was long. It took seve­ral cen­tu­ries, even mil­len­nia. But what it can mean to grasp some­thing with our hands, to feel it, we expe­ri­ence all the more hap­pi­ly as soon as we grasp the right shape. Take a door hand­le from FSB, for exam­p­le. The East West­pha­li­an door hand­le manu­fac­tu­rer atta­ches gre­at importance to hap­tics. After all, it sees its hand­les as the per­cei­ved cal­ling cards of a flat, a house. And of cour­se the tra­di­tio­nal com­pa­ny from Bra­kel also pays atten­ti­on to good looks and design. Which is why it has pla­ced its trade fair stand design and shop con­cepts in our hands. We made it a mat­ter of the heart to visual­ly com­mu­ni­ca­te the sec­tion of the “Who’s Who” of the design sce­ne that deals with door hand­les. In such a way that the eye gui­des the hand to touch.

Design that lasts forever

As if they had always been the­re: Embedded in clas­sic sys­tem con­s­truc­tion with an opti­mal joint grid, we deve­lo­ped a stage for archi­tec­tu­ral and design icons such as Nor­man Fors­ter, Matteo Thun or Jas­per Mor­ri­son that is wort­hy of them with our modu­lar and fle­xi­ble shop con­cept for FSB. All design gre­ats united on one wall. Various assort­ment modu­les cura­ted by us on simp­le lin­ole­um modu­lar panels and accom­pa­nied by emo­tio­nal­ly char­ged imagery by artist Sarah Illen­ber­ger. A uni­que shop con­cept with tim­e­l­ess aes­the­tics, which we rol­led out in 40 stores from Shang­hai to Ber­lin worldwide.

Welcome to Miami

Miami, the city on the sou­thern tip of Flo­ri­da, regu­lar­ly attracts inter­na­tio­nal trade fairs. The ide­al hot­spot for FSB. Buil­ding on the cla­ri­ty and sys­te­ma­tic natu­re of the FSB logo, which was crea­ted by none other than the Ger­man desi­gner and gra­phic desi­gner Otto Aicher, we crea­ted an exhi­bi­ti­on stand design that, with its simp­le res­traint, brought the poet­ry of each indi­vi­du­al pro­duct to the fore. An unagi­ta­ted, aes­the­tic and the­r­e­fo­re fasci­na­ting con­cept that for­med the basis of the world­wi­de shop rollout.

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