Audi Le Mans

The spirit of

Once a year, 50 cars race in cir­cles for 24 hours at Le Mans in France. For enter­tain­ment – and of cour­se for refuel­ling – we were allo­wed to design a pop-up restau­rant right next to the track for seve­ral years in a row. With the Audi Racing Gar­den, we have coun­te­red the hot tar with a cool cur­ve. In kee­ping with the pri­ze for sus­taina­bi­li­ty, which para­do­xi­cal­ly also exists at this car race, the restau­rant con­cept draws on both hands in its mate­ria­li­ty and reusa­bi­li­ty – after we had alre­a­dy given it the litt­le fin­ger with the basic struc­tu­ral form as an ener­gy curve. 

Temporary architecture

Dece­le­ra­ti­on when you need it most: We crea­ted a green oasis with dura­ble and sus­tainable mate­ri­als that beca­me a cent­re of attrac­tion next to the actu­al racing action for three years in a row. With unt­rea­ted wood, varied plan­ting and light-colou­red fur­ni­tu­re, a tem­po­ra­ry envi­ron­ment has been crea­ted whe­re you can’t help but lower your pul­se. In com­bi­na­ti­on with clear, redu­ced forms, we have crea­ted the per­fect place to relax in the midst of speed and pres­su­re to perform.

Le Mans
Total area:
560 sqm
Con­s­truc­tion time:
9 days

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