
Stories with
Depth effect

Faca­des are the face of buil­dings and are as mul­ti­face­ted in their design as archi­tec­tu­re its­elf. Alu­co­bond, a sub­si­dia­ry brand of 3A Com­po­si­tes GmbH, manu­fac­tures high-qua­li­ty alu­mi­ni­um com­po­si­te panels that imi­ta­te the play of light and shadow on the faça­de, giving it depth, pla­s­ti­ci­ty and pro­fi­le. We took on the archi­tect com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, deve­lo­ped three new faça­de struc­tures, desi­gned the pro­duct bro­chu­res and a sui­ta­ble refe­rence page for the web.

Strategy & Consulting

If you want to appeal to archi­tects, you not only have to come up with the right sto­ry – aes­the­tics also play a key role. For Alu­co­bond, we have deve­lo­ped a sales tool that meets the­se requi­re­ments: foldable sam­ple panels. Mil­led. Prin­ted. Gra­phi­cal­ly pre­pared. With this, we go one step fur­ther and take the pro­ces­sing pos­si­bi­li­ties out of the ima­gi­na­ti­on and into reality.

Architecture of contrasts

Sharp-edged fea­tures or round faca­de gra­di­ents – in any case, high-con­trast repre­sen­ta­ti­ons. If a pro­per­ty wants to attract posi­ti­ve atten­ti­on, Alu­co­bond is the per­fect part­ner with its pre­mi­um solu­ti­on Faça­de Design. The panels of the Print & Free­form modu­lar solu­ti­on can be indi­vi­du­al­ly shaped and addi­tio­nal­ly prin­ted. The panels also impress with their figu­ra­ti­ve pla­s­ti­ci­ty and, depen­ding on the posi­ti­on of the sun, bring new dimen­si­ons to the faça­de. The stage is set for the play of light and shadow.

Product design

Sam­ple pla­tes wit­hout a cle­ver trick? We don’t do that! For the new pro­duct design, we fol­lo­wed our play instinct. We have deve­lo­ped shapes and gra­phics that attract atten­ti­on. The result is mil­led mate­ri­als that can be fold­ed and thus crea­te a com­ple­te­ly new approach to the sub­ject of faça­de design. Whe­ther dia­go­nal­ly, ver­ti­cal­ly or both com­bi­ned – prin­ted or gra­phi­cal­ly refi­ned – archi­tects now also want to play with the­se panels. Pla­s­ti­ci­ty, suc­cessful­ly staged. For sto­ries with depth effect.

Web design

And becau­se we don’t want to depri­ve anyo­ne of the­se sto­ries, we have added a sui­ta­ble refe­rence page to the exis­ting Alu­co­bond web­site. Its name: “Fas­sa­den­schau”. And it keeps its pro­mi­se. Desi­gned with gre­at atten­ti­on to detail, the pro­ject search can now be fil­te­red pre­cis­e­ly, intel­li­gent­ly and accor­ding to the tar­get group. It’s a plea­su­re to take a look – and not just once.

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