General Terms and Conditions of atelier 522 GmbH


  1. The­se terms and con­di­ti­ons app­ly exclu­si­ve­ly in rela­ti­on to cus­to­mers who are entre­pre­neurs within the mea­ning of § 14 BGB (Ger­man Civil Code), even if they are no lon­ger refer­red to in indi­vi­du­al tran­sac­tions, con­tracts or orders and unless express­ly agreed other­wi­se in writing.
  2. The­se terms and con­di­ti­ons app­ly to all offers, ser­vices and deli­veries of ate­lier 522, even if the cus­to­mer refers to his own or other or sup­ple­men­ta­ry terms and con­di­ti­ons of third par­ties in his order or order con­fir­ma­ti­on. Even if ate­lier 522 refers to a docu­ment that con­ta­ins or refers to the terms and con­di­ti­ons of the cus­to­mer or a third par­ty, this does not con­sti­tu­te agree­ment with the inclu­si­on or vali­di­ty of the terms and con­di­ti­ons of the cus­to­mer or a third par­ty. The inclu­si­on and inter­pre­ta­ti­on of the­se terms and con­di­ti­ons of ate­lier 522 as well as the con­clu­si­on and exe­cu­ti­on of legal tran­sac­tions with the cus­to­mer shall be gover­ned exclu­si­ve­ly by the laws of the Fede­ral Repu­blic of Ger­ma­ny, exclu­ding the UN Con­ven­ti­on on Con­tracts for the Inter­na­tio­nal Sale of Goods and the con­flict of laws rules.



  1. All offers made by ate­lier 522 are sub­ject to chan­ge and non-bin­ding, unless they are express­ly label­led as bin­ding or con­tain a dead­line for accep­tance. ate­lier 522 may accept cus­to­mer orders within two weeks of receipt. A con­tract shall only come into exis­tence upon con­fir­ma­ti­on of the order by ate­lier 522 or upon tacit ful­film­ent of the order.
  2. The scope of the con­trac­tual­ly owed ser­vices shall be deter­mi­ned exclu­si­ve­ly by ate­lier 522’s order con­fir­ma­ti­on. All ver­bal ancil­la­ry agree­ments and amend­ments to the order must be con­firm­ed in wri­ting by ate­lier 522 in order to be valid. The writ­ten form requi­re­ment is also met by fax and/or e‑mail. In par­ti­cu­lar, agree­ments on dead­lines and dates shall only be bin­ding if they have been con­firm­ed in writing.
  3. The infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded by ate­lier 522 for the exe­cu­ti­on of an order (e.g. design, dimen­si­ons, weights, shape, colour, tech­ni­cal data, etc.) as well as pic­to­ri­al repre­sen­ta­ti­ons, sket­ches, drafts, plans, etc. of any kind are only appro­xi­ma­te, unless the usa­bi­li­ty of the ser­vice for the con­trac­tual­ly inten­ded pur­po­se requi­res exact con­for­mi­ty. They are not war­ran­ted cha­rac­te­ristics, but descrip­ti­ons of the ser­vices pro­vi­ded by ate­lier 522. Devia­ti­ons cus­to­ma­ry in the indus­try and in the trade, as well as devia­ti­ons that occur due to legal, tech­ni­cal or spa­ti­al cir­cum­s­tances or repre­sent tech­ni­cal impro­ve­ments, as well as the repla­ce­ment of com­pon­ents with equi­va­lent parts, are per­mit­ted, pro­vi­ded that they do not signi­fi­cant­ly impair the usa­bi­li­ty of the ser­vice for the con­trac­tual­ly inten­ded purpose.
  4. ate­lier 522 reser­ves owner­ship and all indus­tri­al and intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty rights to all parts of an offer, in par­ti­cu­lar to all dra­wings, designs, illus­tra­ti­ons, cal­cu­la­ti­ons, models, ide­as, con­cepts and drafts and other docu­ments and aids made available to the cus­to­mer. The cus­to­mer under­ta­kes not to pass on, dis­c­lo­se, uti­li­se or repro­du­ce the­se items as such and their con­tent to third par­ties wit­hout the express and pri­or con­sent of ate­lier 522. At the request of ate­lier 522, the cus­to­mer shall return the­se items in full and des­troy all copies made if the nego­tia­ti­ons do not lead to the con­clu­si­on of a con­tract or order.



  1. The cli­ent shall pro­vi­de ate­lier 522 with all neces­sa­ry data and infor­ma­ti­on in a time­ly and punc­tu­al man­ner and shall pro­vi­de ate­lier 522 with all data and infor­ma­ti­on neces­sa­ry for the per­for­mance of all tasks and ser­vices to be pro­vi­ded by ate­lier 522. This appli­es in par­ti­cu­lar to the gene­ral brie­fing, the maxi­mum bud­get, the time­ly and com­ple­te rea­li­sa­ti­on of correction/feedback rounds, the noti­fi­ca­ti­on of deli­very times and deli­very loca­ti­ons, etc. The cli­ent assu­res that he is aut­ho­ri­sed to use all docu­ments, data, designs, texts, brands, etc. pro­vi­ded by him. The cli­ent is respon­si­ble for any errors in the data or infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded. If the cli­ent does not spe­ci­fy a maxi­mum bud­get, he shall com­pen­sa­te ate­lier 522 for any dis­ad­van­ta­ges incur­red as a result.
  2. The cli­ent shall indem­ni­fy ate­lier 522 against all claims asser­ted by third par­ties against ate­lier 522 due to beha­viour or actions for which the cli­ent is respon­si­ble under this contract.
  3. The cli­ent is obli­ged to inform ate­lier 522 imme­dia­te­ly in wri­ting of any fac­tors ari­sing during the cour­se of the pro­ject that may lead to a chan­ge in the pro­ject bud­get, the cal­cu­la­ti­on on which the bud­get is based or the finan­cial plan rela­ted to the budget.



If the cus­to­mer can­cels or ter­mi­na­tes an order befo­re it has been ful­ly exe­cu­ted, all ser­vices pro­vi­ded by ate­lier 522 up to the time of can­cel­la­ti­on or ter­mi­na­ti­on shall be paid for in full. For ser­vices not yet pro­vi­ded at the time of can­cel­la­ti­on or ter­mi­na­ti­on, ate­lier 522 may char­ge a flat rate of 25 % of the net offer pri­ce for the ser­vices not yet pro­vi­ded, wit­hout pre­ju­di­ce to the pos­si­bi­li­ty of clai­ming hig­her actu­al dama­ges. If the cus­to­mer pro­ves that the dama­ge actual­ly incur­red by ate­lier 522 is less than the lump sum of 25 %, only the actu­al dama­ge shall be reimbursed.



  1. The remu­ne­ra­ti­on of ate­lier 522 shall be based on the type and scope of the ser­vices as descri­bed and invoi­ced in the order con­fir­ma­ti­on. Addi­tio­nal and spe­cial ser­vices that go bey­ond the agreed ser­vices shall be remu­ne­ra­ted addi­tio­nal­ly. Tra­vel­ling and ancil­la­ry cos­ts (e.g. tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on cos­ts, etc.) shall be invoi­ced sepa­ra­te­ly and docu­men­ted on request.
  2. All pri­ces are net pri­ces in euros plus VAT at the appli­ca­ble rate. If more than four months elap­se bet­ween the pla­cing of the order and the exe­cu­ti­on of the order and if the purcha­se pri­ces or the dai­ly rates of ate­lier 522 have chan­ged during this peri­od, the pri­ces valid at the time of the exe­cu­ti­on of the order shall app­ly. The same shall app­ly irre­spec­ti­ve of a time con­di­ti­on if the raw mate­ri­al pri­ces increase by more than 1% during the exe­cu­ti­on of an order. In this case, ate­lier 522 may adjust its own remu­ne­ra­ti­on. The cli­ent shall not be entit­led to an adjus­t­ment of the remuneration.
  3. If the cus­to­mer cau­ses addi­tio­nal cos­ts for ate­lier 522 due to sub­se­quent chan­ges or addi­ti­ons to the order (e.g. for mate­ri­al, design, size, quan­ti­ty, pro­duc­tion, dis­patch, logi­stics, etc.), the­se shall be invoi­ced as spe­cial ser­vices in addi­ti­on to the quo­ted price.



  1. ate­lier 522 may demand an appro­pria­te advan­ce pay­ment on the order amount after the order has been pla­ced. The advan­ce pay­ment may not exceed 70 % of the net order amount.
  2. For self-con­tai­ned parts of the order, ate­lier 522 shall be entit­led to issue inte­rim invoices for par­ti­al ser­vices rendered.
  3. After com­ple­ti­on of the order, ate­lier 522 shall issue a final invoice show­ing all ser­vices ren­de­red and pay­ments alre­a­dy made by the cus­to­mer. Unless other­wi­se agreed, the invoice shall be paya­ble within 14 calen­dar days of receipt of the invoice by the cus­to­mer wit­hout deduc­tion and wit­hout sub­mis­si­on of receipts and docu­ments. The date of receipt by ate­lier 522 shall be decisi­ve for the date of pay­ment. If the cus­to­mer does not pay within the 14-day pay­ment peri­od, he shall be in default of pay­ment wit­hout a remin­der and shall pay inte­rest on the out­stan­ding amount from the 15th day at 9 per­cen­ta­ge points abo­ve the base inte­rest rate. ate­lier 522 reser­ves the right to assert fur­ther claims for dama­ges cau­sed by default.
  4. The cus­to­mer may only off­set claims against ate­lier 522 and assert a right of reten­ti­on due to other claims if the­se claims or demands are undis­pu­ted, legal­ly estab­lished or reco­g­nis­ed by ate­lier 522.
  5. ate­lier 522 shall be entit­led to per­form out­stan­ding ser­vices only against advan­ce pay­ment or pro­vi­si­on of secu­ri­ty if, after con­clu­si­on of the con­tract or after pla­cing the order, cir­cum­s­tances beco­me known which are likely to signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ce the customer’s cre­dit­wort­hi­ness and which jeo­par­di­se the pay­ment of ate­lier 522’s out­stan­ding claims by the cus­to­mer ari­sing from the respec­ti­ve con­trac­tu­al rela­ti­onship, inclu­ding claims from pre­vious orders.



  1. Per­for­mance dead­lines and dates are only bin­ding if all docu­ments, infor­ma­ti­on and decla­ra­ti­ons of the cli­ent, in par­ti­cu­lar cor­rec­tions and release decla­ra­ti­ons, are recei­ved by ate­lier 522 in good time, com­ple­te­ly and legi­bly. ate­lier 522 shall not be lia­ble for delays in per­for­mance or deli­very if the­se are cau­sed by late, incom­ple­te or ille­gi­ble docu­ments, infor­ma­ti­on or decla­ra­ti­ons from the cli­ent, by sub­se­quent chan­ge requests from the cli­ent or by exten­si­ons to the ori­gi­nal­ly agreed scope of the order.
  2. If per­for­mance dead­lines are excee­ded even though ate­lier 522 is not respon­si­ble for the delay (e.g. power fail­ures and all cases of force majeu­re), the cli­ent is not entit­led to with­draw from the con­tract or to hold ate­lier 522 respon­si­ble for the dama­ge incurred.
  3. If an agreed per­for­mance dead­line is excee­ded wit­hout the­re being a case of force majeu­re or a case of lack of fault, the cus­to­mer shall be entit­led to set ate­lier 522 a reasonable grace peri­od. If the ser­vice is not pro­vi­ded by the end of this grace peri­od, the cli­ent shall have the right to with­draw from the order. The can­cel­la­ti­on must be declared in wri­ting no later than one week after expiry of the grace period.
  4. ate­lier 522 may – wit­hout pre­ju­di­ce to the customer’s rights ari­sing from default by the deb­tor – demand an exten­si­on of deli­very and per­for­mance dead­lines or a post­po­ne­ment of deli­very and per­for­mance dates by at least the peri­od during which the cus­to­mer has not ful­fil­led its con­trac­tu­al obli­ga­ti­ons towards ate­lier 522.



  1. Unless other­wi­se sta­ted in the respec­ti­ve order, the place of ful­film­ent for all obli­ga­ti­ons of ate­lier 522 ari­sing from an order shall be the regis­tered office of ate­lier 522 in Mark­dorf, Germany.
  2. Unless other­wi­se agreed, ate­lier 522 alo­ne shall deci­de on pack­a­ging and dis­patch. If ate­lier 522 incurs addi­tio­nal cos­ts for pack­a­ging and dis­patch due to spe­cial requests by the cus­to­mer, the­se may be char­ged to the cus­to­mer additionally.
  3. The risk of acci­den­tal des­truc­tion or acci­den­tal loss shall pass to the cus­to­mer at the latest when the goods to be deli­ver­ed are han­ded over to the for­war­ding agent, the car­ri­er or the third par­ty other­wi­se appoin­ted to car­ry out the shipment.
  4. Inso­far as accep­tance of the ser­vices pro­vi­ded by ate­lier 522 is requi­red despi­te § 650 BGB, the ser­vices pro­vi­ded shall be dee­med to have been accept­ed at the latest when the cus­to­mer uses the ser­vices wit­hout express­ly noti­fy­ing ate­lier 522 of any defects in wri­ting and in con­cre­te terms. If the cus­to­mer mere­ly reser­ves the right to inspect the deli­veries and ser­vices for defects, this reser­va­ti­on shall not pre­vent accep­tance of the deli­veries and ser­vices in accordance with sen­tence 1. The cus­to­mer and ate­lier 522 agree that the cus­to­mer shall be reques­ted to decla­re accep­tance of all deli­veries and ser­vices within three calen­dar days in accordance with Sec­tion 640 (2) BGB.



After com­ple­ti­on of the order, ate­lier 522 shall be free to store or des­troy all ide­as, tem­pla­tes, drafts, work mate­ri­als, pro­ducts, equip­ment, soft­ware and all other docu­ments crea­ted by ate­lier 522 or pro­vi­ded by the cus­to­mer at its own dis­cre­ti­on. ate­lier 522 shall be under no obli­ga­ti­on to the cus­to­mer to archi­ve, store or retain the afo­re­men­tio­ned ide­as, objects, docu­ments or information.


  1. All ser­vices pro­vi­ded by ate­lier 522 are pro­tec­ted as per­so­nal intellec­tu­al crea­ti­ons by the Ger­man Copy­right Act (UrhG). The pro­vi­si­ons of the Copy­right Act shall be dee­med to have been agreed even if the level of crea­ti­on requi­red in Sec­tion 2 of the Copy­right Act can­not be achie­ved in indi­vi­du­al cases.
  2. With the excep­ti­on of the right of repro­duc­tion, all known types of use lis­ted in § 15 UrhG for the ser­vices pro­vi­ded by ate­lier 522 shall be trans­fer­red to the cli­ent as a simp­le right of use, unless other­wi­se agreed. The pur­po­se of an order shall only be the pur­po­se sta­ted when the order is pla­ced at the time ate­lier 522 is com­mis­sio­ned. ate­lier 522’s rights to its own plan­ning pro­ce­du­res, soft­ware, media purcha­sing methods, methods of infor­ma­ti­on pro­cu­re­ment and/or dis­se­mi­na­ti­on and the like, which repre­sent ate­lier 522’s com­pa­ny-spe­ci­fic exper­ti­se, shall be excluded from this trans­fer obligation.
  3. The cus­to­mer may only use the (crea­ti­ve) ser­vices of ate­lier 522 for the pur­po­ses for which the ser­vices were express­ly orde­red. The trans­fer of gran­ted rights of use to third par­ties shall requi­re the pri­or writ­ten con­sent of ate­lier 522. ate­lier 522 shall be entit­led to infor­ma­ti­on about the scope of use by the customer.
  4. Wit­hout the con­sent of ate­lier 522, the drafts, ide­as, designs, instal­la­ti­ons, soft­ware and other crea­ti­ve ser­vices and works etc., inclu­ding the desi­gna­ti­on of ate­lier 522 as the aut­hor and rights hol­der, may not be chan­ged. Any imi­ta­ti­on – even of parts of the works and work­pie­ces – is prohibited.
  5. The afo­re­men­tio­ned trans­fer of rights shall be sett­led with the other pay­ments to ate­lier 522 in accordance with § 6 of the­se terms and con­di­ti­ons. Howe­ver, the cli­ent shall only acqui­re the right to use the ser­vices to the agreed ext­ent upon full pay­ment of the remu­ne­ra­ti­on in accordance with § 6 of the­se terms and conditions.
  6. ate­lier 522 shall be entit­led to use the drafts, ide­as, designs, instal­la­ti­ons, soft­ware and other crea­ti­ve ser­vices and works etc. crea­ted by ate­lier 522 for its own adver­ti­sing pur­po­ses. Like­wi­se, ate­lier 522 shall be entit­led to repro­du­ce any num­ber of the com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on mate­ri­als, designs, etc. crea­ted for the cus­to­mer at its own expen­se and to use them for its own adver­ti­sing pur­po­ses. Final­ly, ate­lier 522 shall be entit­led to men­ti­on the work for the cus­to­mer as part of its own adver­ti­sing mea­su­res or cam­paigns and to publish it in the press, social media and online.



  1. The war­ran­ty peri­od shall be one year from deli­very or accep­tance of the ser­vices of ate­lier 522. If the con­trac­tual­ly agreed peri­od of use by the cli­ent or the adver­ti­sing cam­paign is shorter than one year, the war­ran­ty peri­od for defects in the ser­vice shall end on the day on which the inten­ded use ends or the adver­ti­sing cam­paign has expi­red. The­se peri­ods shall not app­ly to claims for dama­ges by the cli­ent ari­sing from inju­ry to life, limb or health or from an inten­tio­nal or gross­ly negli­gent breach of duty by ate­lier 522 or its vica­rious agents, which shall beco­me time-bar­red in accordance with the sta­tu­to­ry provisions.
  2. The cus­to­mer must careful­ly inspect all deli­veries and ser­vices imme­dia­te­ly after deli­very. They shall be dee­med to have been appro­ved by the cus­to­mer with regard to reco­g­nisable defects or other defects that would have been reco­g­nisable during an imme­dia­te, careful inspec­tion if the cus­to­mer does not noti­fy ate­lier 522 of the defects in wri­ting within seven calen­dar days of deli­very. If ate­lier 522’s ser­vices are deli­ver­ed or pro­vi­ded direct­ly to POS, event loca­ti­ons or other loca­ti­ons spe­ci­fied by the cus­to­mer, the customer’s employees shall be obli­ged to inspect the ser­vices for defects on site. With regard to other defects, the deli­veries and ser­vices of ate­lier 522 shall be dee­med to have been appro­ved if the writ­ten noti­fi­ca­ti­on of defects is not recei­ved by ATELIER 522 within seven calen­dar days of the time at which the defect beco­mes appa­rent; if the defect was alre­a­dy reco­g­nisable at an ear­lier time during nor­mal use, this ear­lier time shall be decisi­ve for the start of the seven-day period.
  3. If a defect is due to the fault of ate­lier 522, the cus­to­mer may demand com­pen­sa­ti­on in accordance with § 13 of the­se terms and conditions.



  1. The obli­ga­ti­on of ate­lier 522 to pay dama­ges, irre­spec­ti­ve of the legal grounds, in par­ti­cu­lar due to impos­si­bi­li­ty, delay, war­ran­ty, breach of con­tract, breach of obli­ga­ti­ons during con­tract nego­tia­ti­ons and unaut­ho­ri­sed action, shall be gover­ned by the fol­lo­wing pro­vi­si­ons, inso­far as fault exists in each case.
  2. ate­lier 522 shall sub­mit the drafts, art­work, pro­duc­tion tem­pla­tes, designs etc. crea­ted by it to the cli­ent so that the cli­ent can check the essen­ti­al infor­ma­ti­on con­tai­ned the­r­ein. If the cli­ent appro­ves the tem­pla­tes, he shall assu­me sole lia­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the fac­tu­al infor­ma­ti­on. Chan­ges or addi­ti­ons made by tele­pho­ne requi­re writ­ten con­fir­ma­ti­on by ate­lier 522.
  3. ate­lier 522 shall only be lia­ble to the cus­to­mer for dama­ges, regard­less of the legal grounds, in the event of wilful intent or gross negli­gence. This exclu­si­on of lia­bi­li­ty for simp­le negli­gence shall not app­ly to the breach of mate­ri­al con­trac­tu­al obli­ga­ti­ons, unless lia­bi­li­ty for insi­gni­fi­cant mate­ri­al defects is invol­ved. In the event of a breach of mate­ri­al con­trac­tu­al obli­ga­ti­ons, lia­bi­li­ty shall be limi­t­ed to the typi­cal dama­ge fore­seeable by ate­lier 522. Sen­tence 1 shall not app­ly to lia­bi­li­ty for dama­ges resul­ting from inju­ry to life, limb or health that are based on an inten­tio­nal or negli­gent breach of duty by ate­lier 522 or an inten­tio­nal or negli­gent breach of duty by a legal repre­sen­ta­ti­ve or vica­rious agent of ate­lier 522.
  4. ate­lier 522 shall not be lia­ble for the patent, design, copy­right and trade mark pro­tec­tion or the regis­tra­bi­li­ty of the ide­as, sug­ges­ti­ons, pro­po­sals, con­cepts, designs, trade marks etc. supplied.
  5. The cli­ent bears the risk of the legal admis­si­bi­li­ty of an adver­ti­sing mea­su­re. This appli­es in par­ti­cu­lar in the event that mea­su­res vio­la­te the pro­vi­si­ons of com­pe­ti­ti­on law, copy­right law, spe­cial adver­ti­sing laws, the gene­ral per­so­nal rights of third par­ties, data pro­tec­tion or regu­la­to­ry provisions.
  6. The­se limi­ta­ti­ons and exclu­si­ons of lia­bi­li­ty shall app­ly to the same ext­ent in favour of the bodies, legal repre­sen­ta­ti­ves, employees and other vica­rious agents of ate­lier 522.
  7. Claims for dama­ges ari­sing from con­trac­tu­al lia­bi­li­ty expi­re – except in cases of wilful intent – one year after per­for­mance of the ser­vice. This shall also app­ly to con­gru­ent, com­pe­ting claims ari­sing from non-con­trac­tu­al lia­bi­li­ty. Any lia­bi­li­ty for dama­ges based on a gua­ran­tee express­ly assu­med by ate­lier 522 shall remain unaf­fec­ted by the abo­ve provisions.



  1. The cli­ent is obli­ged to main­tain con­fi­den­tia­li­ty vis-à-vis third par­ties about all details that beco­me known to him, e.g. the orga­ni­sa­ti­on, pro­duc­tion or dis­tri­bu­ti­on of ate­lier 522 as well as the asso­cia­ted or rela­ted com­pa­nies, sup­pli­ers, desi­gners and artists. This con­fi­den­tia­li­ty obli­ga­ti­on shall app­ly bey­ond the dura­ti­on of the busi­ness co-ope­ra­ti­on bet­ween the parties.
  2. The cli­ent must ensu­re that a cor­re­spon­ding con­fi­den­tia­li­ty obli­ga­ti­on is agreed with its employees and vica­rious agents.
  3. If the cus­to­mer or one of his vica­rious agents brea­ches the duty of con­fi­den­tia­li­ty, he shall owe ate­lier 522 a con­trac­tu­al penal­ty of 50% of the net order volu­me, but at least €25,000. The con­trac­tu­al penal­ty shall not app­ly if the cus­to­mer is not respon­si­ble for the breach of the duty of confidentiality.



  1. The cus­to­mer agrees that his per­so­nal data (e.g. name/company, pro­fes­si­on, date of birth, occu­pa­ti­on, address and cont­act details such as tele­pho­ne, fax, e‑mail, com­mer­cial regis­ter ent­ry, bank details, cre­dit cards, legal and hono­ra­ry repre­sen­ta­ti­ves, cont­act per­sons with cont­act details, social media accounts with access data and web­site with access data) may be coll­ec­ted, stored and pro­ces­sed by ate­lier 522 for the pur­po­se of exe­cu­ting the con­tract and for its own busi­ness and adver­ti­sing pur­po­ses. ate­lier 522 under­ta­kes to pro­tect all data from access by unaut­ho­ri­sed third par­ties and to pass on data to third par­ties only to the ext­ent neces­sa­ry for the exe­cu­ti­on of the con­tract. The cus­to­mer may revo­ke this con­sent in wri­ting at any time.
  2. The cus­to­mer assu­res that all data coll­ec­ted, stored, pro­ces­sed and/or trans­mit­ted by him or on his behalf by third par­ties has been trea­ted in accordance with the pro­vi­si­ons of the sta­tu­to­ry data pro­tec­tion regu­la­ti­ons, that all neces­sa­ry cons­ents have been obtai­ned from the data sub­jects and that the use of this data by ate­lier 522 from the pitch to the com­ple­te exe­cu­ti­on of an order does not vio­la­te data pro­tec­tion regulations.



  1. Col­la­te­ral agree­ments, reser­va­tions, amend­ments or addi­ti­ons within the scope of an order shall only be effec­ti­ve if they are con­firm­ed in wri­ting by ate­lier 522.
  2. The courts at the regis­tered office of ate­lier 522 GmbH shall have exclu­si­ve inter­na­tio­nal and local juris­dic­tion for dis­pu­tes ari­sing from con­tracts with customers.



Should indi­vi­du­al pro­vi­si­ons of the­se Gene­ral Terms and Con­di­ti­ons be or beco­me inva­lid, this shall not affect the vali­di­ty of the remai­ning clau­ses. The inva­lid clau­se shall be repla­ced by a valid clau­se that comes as clo­se as pos­si­ble to the eco­no­mic pur­po­se of the inva­lid clause.