Trade fair and event design

The art of igni­ti­on spark flight

“Clear the stage …!” was yes­ter­day. Today it’s done wit­hout a fan­fa­re, fuss and curtain calls. The pro­duc­tion has to catch the eye in pas­sing, so to speak. New Nor­mal – 24/7. On the bou­le­vard, at the trade fair, in the arca­de or in the mall, the eye-cat­cher only works if it is playful and if it is com­ple­te­ly rela­xed and natu­ral­ly fun. When it cap­tures the fee­ling of the sea­son, cha­rac­te­ri­ses the zeit­geist, but abo­ve all: when it is always one step ahead. We need cer­tain dis­rup­t­ors to get us out of our com­fort zone and into the attrac­tion, whe­ther it’s a digi­tal sur­face or a spar­k­ling idea. Not being able to walk past, beco­ming even more curious, savou­ring the sto­ry on dis­play – gras­ping the who­le “sto­ry” behind it, inclu­ding the quo­ted fee­ling. That’s how we like to ignite.