Content & Text

Speak just one word.

What ghost­ly beings we would be wit­hout lan­guage! Our enti­re social frame­work is for­med by words. Words that enable the exch­an­ge of ide­as. Words that acqui­re form and func­tion thanks to crea­ti­ve ambi­ti­on. And estab­lish our love of sto­rytel­ling. The gre­at phi­lo­so­phers might speak of tran­s­cen­dence. Online, off­line, bet­ween the line, we say. Lan­guage as text. Or as con­text. As con­cept. Or cam­paign. As space. Object. Film. But always as a sto­ry for body and mind. To strike the heart of image and word peo­p­le alike.

At the same time, the rules of art recei­ve their pres­ti­ge only through their imme­dia­te­ly per­cei­ved prac­ti­cal­i­ty. Thus Aris­tot­le. So the form only acqui­res its full value with the for­mu­la­ti­on of its uti­li­ty? What may sound like mar­ke­ting need not be dupli­ci­tous at all. On the con­tra­ry. The ver­ba­li­sa­ti­on of design cor­re­sponds to our enti­re­ly human nar­ra­ti­ve intel­li­gence. And is a meta ser­vice that our poets and thin­kers, copy­wri­ters and edi­tors in the inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry envi­ron­ment are par­ti­cu­lar­ly good at. Ghost wri­ting allowed.