orga­ni­s­e­ques­ti­onbrea­kout­con­cep­tua­li­se PUT YOURSELF IN IT The Walt Dis­ney Method How would Nico­las Coper­ni­cus go about it? Which path would Frank Sina­tra take? What would a cake baked by Mickey Mou­se look like? We tend to put our­sel­ves in the posi­ti­on of a dead end and crea­te men­tal blocks. Tear down the wall of resis­tance and move […]


On the move

Pre­sen­ting pro­ducts, explai­ning craft­sman­ship, explai­ning pro­ces­ses and tel­ling sto­ries – all this requi­res a medi­um that com­mu­ni­ca­tes bet­ween the lines, that moves. That mobi­li­ses space and dimen­si­ons and sets their two-dimen­sio­nal image in moti­on. Dif­fe­rent forms of design in our inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry team are used, moving images bet­ween uto­pia and ana­lo­gy are created.

On the move Read More »

Freedom & Encounter

Con­s­truc­tion exper­ti­se at the hig­hest level. Whe­ther over­si­zed for­mats, unex­pec­ted are­as of appli­ca­ti­on or all-glass con­s­truc­tion – the glass spe­cia­list responds to all requi­re­ments with inno­va­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gies, indi­vi­du­al designs and paten­ted products.

Free­dom & Encoun­ter Read More »

Beyond Berlin

Wel­co­me to a city that is con­stant­ly on the move. And which its­elf moves. For tho­se see­king inspi­ra­ti­on in extra­or­di­na­ry places, ate­lier 522 reve­als its top 5 must-visit places and invi­tes you to expe­ri­ence them on your own after the Trend Expe­ri­ence event.

Bey­ond Ber­lin Read More »