The covetousness of things

Why is it that we can hard­ly escape the attrac­tion of some things? Beau­ty arou­ses desi­re – that much is cer­tain. But why is that so? And: What stra­te­gies do brands use to spe­ci­fi­cal­ly mar­ket their pro­ducts to men and women? Trend ana­lyst and best-sel­ling aut­hor Carl Til­les­sen ans­we­red the ques­ti­on of why we often buy what we don’t actual­ly need at our last per­ma­nent beta on 19.01.2022 … Click here for the video.

The cove­tous­ness of things Read More »

Nano. Innovation down to the smallest detail.

Natu­re as the model for a new world. An almost con­ci­li­a­to­ry thought in view of all the “unna­tu­ral” diver­si­ty that has been mush­roo­ming for years. Arti­fi­ci­a­li­ty is boo­ming across all sec­tors. Tho­se who don’t fol­low suit will lose out. But how can we turn things around? Neu­ro­sci­en­tist Dr. Arndt Pech­stein has an ans­wer, which he shared with us at our last per­ma­nent beta event: Biomimicry.

Nano. Inno­va­ti­on down to the smal­lest detail. Read More »

Groundbreaking communication

“It is not the wind that deter­mi­nes the direc­tion, but the sail.” Sin­ce time imme­mo­ri­al, natu­ral sign­posts, signs, sym­bols, objects and buil­dings have ser­ved com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and ori­en­ta­ti­on – and not just sin­ce Odys­seus’ 10-year odys­sey on the high seas. But what are the pre­re­qui­si­tes for suc­cessful ori­en­ta­ti­on so that the jour­ney does not beco­me an Odys­sey? When should a chan­ge of cour­se take place?

Ground­brea­king com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Read More »

The magic of beauty

So does the secret of life lie in the search for beau­ty? The desi­re to ans­wer this ques­ti­on sweeps us into the vast sea of meaningful ide­as. To attract atten­ti­on and make waves, we design col­la­ges of emo­ti­on and infor­ma­ti­on – always with an eye for the “beau­tiful” and the goal of making a brand successful.

The magic of beau­ty Read More »

For man and nature!

Schil­ler wro­te that beau­ty paves the way for man’s tran­si­ti­on from fee­ling to thin­king – so let’s give food for thought! The ques­ti­ons about future mobi­li­ty and the resul­ting con­nec­ti­vi­ty are chan­ging the indi­vi­du­al demand for space in our urban struc­tures and call for sui­ta­ble, for­ward-loo­king ideas. 

For man and natu­re! Read More »

Loading means inviting!

Chan­gea­bi­li­ty on the sur­face has never been more in demand than at this time. Cont­act points are being reinter­pre­ted, places of encoun­ter are being rai­sed to new dimen­si­ons. The cus­to­mer buys online, off­line and bet­ween the line. “Win­dow shop­ping” takes place online, but peo­p­le con­ti­nue to buy ana­lo­gue in the shop.

Loa­ding means invi­ting! Read More »